Friday, June 11, 2010

How to identify the streptomyces ?


Streptomyces are gram positive, spore-forming bacteria found in soil. They are characterized by their tough, leathery, frequently pigmented colonies and their filamentous growth. When first discovered, these organisms were thought to be fungi, but closer examination revealed a lack of a nuclear membrane and the presence of peptidoglycan, demonstrating their prokaryotic origin. Streptomyces are chemoheteroorganotrophs, growing best at 25°C and pH 8-9. They are capable of using complex organic materials as carbon and energy sources and are involved in the breakdown of these products in the soil. This degradative ability makes these bacteria pivotal in the production of fertile soil for agriculture. They also give soil its characteristic smell by the production of a class of volatile low molecular weight compounds called geosmins.

In the laboratory, different isolates were found to produce numerous compounds capable of inhibiting or killing other microorganisms. Many of these Figure 1 shows some examples of streptomycetes

Figure 1: An example of streptomycetes

A photomicrograph of Streptomyces vegetative cells and spores.

In this section, we describe the enrichment of this group of organisms and test several isolates for their antibiotic producing ability. Dried soil, a great source of inoculum for Streptomyces, will be plated directly onto Actinomycete Isolation Agar (AIA). Since an enrichment step is not necessary, what does that tell you about the population of Streptomyces in the soil? AIA contains starch and sodium caseinate as sole carbon and energy sources. Only organisms capable of degrading these complex polymers (mostly molds and streptomycetes) are able to grow. Sodium propionate (a preservative sometimes present in commercial bread) is added to inhibit the growth of molds. Incubation at 30°C for more than five days results in the formation of Streptomyces colonies that are recognized by their characteristic appearance.

Isolation protocol

Period 1


Soil sample

3 0.85% NaCl dilution blanks (9 ml)

3 plates Actinomycete Isolation Agar (AIA) / Starch Casein Agar (SCA)

Composition of Starch Casein Agar:



Soluble Starch




Potassium nitrate (KNO3)


Di-potassium hydrogen orthophosphate (K2HPO4)


Magnesium sulphate (MgSO4.7H2O


Calcium carbonate (CaCO3)


Ferrous sulphate (FeSO4.7H2O)




Final pH: 7.2

  1. Weigh out one gram of soil and place it in one of the dilution blanks. Vortex the suspension for 1 min. Serially dilute the suspension to 10-3 using the other 2 saline dilution blanks.
  2. Label the 3 plates of AIA, 10-1, 10-2, 10-3 and 10-4. Plate 0.1 ml from each of the 3 dilution blanks onto the appropriate plate of AIA and spread the inoculum using a sterile hockey stick.
  3. Incubate the plates at 30°C for 5-7 days.

Below is shown the appearance of a Streptomyces isolation plate after 5 days of incubation

Period 2


5 AIA plates

Figure 2: AIA after incubation

This AIA plate was inoculated with soil from near Hayward Wisconsin. The plate was incubated at 30°C for one week. Streptomyces species are the white and colorful chalky looking colonies.

Figure 3: closeup of a typical streptomyces colony

Note the colorfulchalky/dusty appearance. The colony is hard, not gummy, and does not easily lift from the agar.

Figure 4: wet mount of a Streptomyces colony

Streptomyces colony" type="#_x0000_t75">

A Streptomyces colony under the phase microscope. Notice the long branched hyphae in the picture. This picture was taken at 1000x and enlarged 2 fold.

  1. Examine the AIA plates and look for typical Streptomyces colonies. They are small, opaque, compact, frequently pigmented (brown, yellow, pink, etc.), often leathery, and appear dry and dull looking. See Figure 1 for examples. Typically, a depression in the agar surface will be observed around the colony. Avoid molds. They usually form much softer, fuzzy colonies if present. AIA has propionic acid in it to inhibit most molds, but some species are resistant to this inhibitor.
  2. Prepare a wet mount. Good Streptomyces candidates will be difficult to remove from the agar with the inoculating needle or loop and upon observation under the microscope will reveal a multitude of spores with a few filamentous cells, Figure 4.
  3. Select five potential Streptomyces colonies and streak each for isolation onto a plate of AIA. Incubate the plates at 30°C for 5-7 days.

Period 3


6 plates of Penassay Agar

Culture of Streptomyces griseus, an active antibiotic producer

Figure 5: Streaking pattern for the antibiotic test

Diagram of the appropriate streaking technique for the Penassay plates. (A) The placement of the Streptomyces colonies. (B) The placement of the test cultures. Note that there is a 5-7 day incubation between streak A and streak B.

Figure 6: Streaks for isolated colonies on penassay agar

The appearance of penassay agar after streaking for isolated colonies of Actinomycetes.

  1. Examine each Streptomyces isolate and describe its colony morphology. Verify that it is indeed free from mold, Figure 7.
  2. Pick a well isolated colony from each plate and streak onto Penassay Medium. Place a single streak down the middle of the plate for each isolate; do not streak for isolated colonies (Figure 4). The test cultures will be added to the Penassay plate next period. Also streak a plate of the known culture of S. griseus onto the last Penassay plate in a similar manner. Incubate at 30°C for 5-7 days.

Period 4


Broth cultures of 5 test organisms

Figure 7: An appropriately grown test plate

Example plates after growth of the Streptomyces test strains. Note the full growth completely along the streak line. There is a minor contaminant in the left sample, but it should not interfere with analysis.

  1. Examine the plates for growth and freedom from contamination. Check the cultures for the production of geosmins (the smell we associate with soil) by carefully smelling the plates along the edge while leaving the plates closed. Figure 7 shows some examples of a good test plates
  2. Cross-streak the plates with each of the 5 test cultures. Start each streak near the edge of the plate and streak toward the Streptomyces colony (Figure 4). Finish the streak near, but not touching, the Streptomyces streak. Do not reverse the direction of the streak and only streak one time!
  3. Incubate at 30°C for 2 days

Period 5

Figure 8: Antimicrobial production by isolates

Examples of microbes that have been isolated and their inhibition of test microbes. Isolate 3 is secreting a brown metabolite into the medium. Isolate 4 is secreting an antimicrobial into the medium that is inhibiting S. epidermidis, E. faecalis, and B. subtilis. Ec - E. coli, Pf - P. flourescens, Bs - B. subtilis, Se - S. epidermidis, and Ef - E. faecalis.

  1. Observe the S. griseus plate and look for growth inhibition in the test cultures due to antibiotic production. If a test culture is inhibited, there should be a decrease in the amount of growth as you move in toward the Streptomyces streak. Examine your Streptomyces, do any of the isolates show production of antibiotics. Figure 8 shows an example of a Streptomyces isolate that inhibit several strains.
  2. Examine the plate above. Are any of the isolates antibiotic producers? What further tests would need to be done to find out?

Secondary screening

Secondary screening is performed by agar well method against the standard test organisms. Fresh and pure culture of each strain from the primary screening will be inoculated in starch casein broth and incubated at accordingly for 7 days in water bath shaker.The visible pellets,clumps or aggregates and turbidity in the broth will confirm growth of the organism in the flask.Contents of flasks will be filtered through Whatman no. 1 filter paper.The filtrate will be used for the determination of anti-microbial activity against the standard organisms by agar well method.

Figure 9: Secondary screening of streptomyces strains against test organisms


Thursday, June 10, 2010

The antibiotic disk sensitivity test

The antibiotic disk sensitivity test

One of the most widely used methods to determine the susceptibility of microorganisms to antimicrobial agents is the disc agar-diffusion method. The principle of this method is dependent upon the inhibition of reproduction of a microorganism on the surface of a solid medium by an antimicrobial agent which diffuses into the medium from a filter paper disc. Thus, for an organism which is truly sensitive (susceptible) to an antimicrobial agent (i.e., affected at the target site as explained above), we expect to see a zone of inhibition around the disc impregnated with the agent; beyond this zone an unaffected, area of normal growth (lawn) of the organism is present. However, the degree of inhibition necessary to make each antibiotic effective during use is unique; hence each resistance zone size cutoff is specific to the antibiotic. Accurate measurement of zone diameter is necessary to properly interpret this test.

Period 1


12 to 18-hour cultures of Staphylococcus epidermidis, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis and Bacillus subtilis (all grown in Trypticase Soy Broth). Each person will choose one culture from this list.

1 sterile cotton swab

2 plates of Penassay Agar

2 antibiotic disc dispensers, each dispensing four antibiotic discs

  1. Dip the sterile cotton swab into the culture to be tested. With the swab, cover the entire surface of each of the Penassay Agar plates such that a confluent lawn of growth would result if nothing more were to be done on the plates. Let the plates dry at room temperature for several minutes.
  2. With the disc dispensers, apply four antibiotic discs to each of the plates, making sure that all eight antibiotics are represented on your plates. The instructor will demonstrate the use of the dispenser.
  3. Incubate the plates for 1-2 days at 37°C.

Period 2


1 ruler with millimeter (mm) divisions

Figure 1 Disk sensitivity test

The results of the disk sensitivity test for P. fluorescens, E. coli, B. subtilis, and S. epidermidis. Notice that the gram-positive bacteria are more sensitive to the antibiotics that we used here. To make your measurements, take a ruler, measure the diameter of the zones of clearing on the screen. Compare the diameters you measure to the table in Figure 10-2.

  1. With the ruler, measure the zones of inhibition in millimeters from the underside of the plate. Measure the entire diameter of the zone, including the disc. For any zone which contains one or more isolated colonies, what do these colonies represent? Would you choose to ignore their presence? Is this a zone of inhibition after all?
  2. Interpret your findings with the aid of the table below. (The instructor may substitute other antibiotics and indicate their zone diameter data.) Compare the patterns of susceptibility and resistance with respect to gram reaction, potential pathogenicity and natural habitat of each organism.

Table 2 lists many common antibiotics that are used in the disk sensitivity test and their zones of clearing.

Table Zones of clearing for various antibiotics

Antibiotic (and disc identifier)

Disk potency

Inhibition zone diameter to nearest mm




Ampicillin (AM10)
Gram-negative rods and enterococci

10 µg




Ampicillin (AM10)
Staphylococci and highly penicillin-sensitive organisms

10 µg




Bacitracin (B)

10 units

8 or less

9 to 12

13 or more

Chloramphenicol (C)

30 µg

12 or less

13 to 17

18 or more

Ciprofloxacin (CIP)

5 µg

15 or less

16 to 20

21 or more

Colistin (CL)

10 µg

8 or less

09 to 10

11 or more

Doxycycline (D)

30 µg




Erythromycin (E)

15 µg

13 or less

14 to 17

18 or more

Gentimycin (G)

10 µg




Kanamycin (K30)

30 µg




Methicillin (ME5)

5 µg




Nalidixic Acid (NA)

30 µg

13 or less

14 to 18

19 or more


1 µg




Penicillin G (P)

10 units


28 or less


29 or more

most others

11 or less

12 to 21

22 or more

Polymyxin B (PB)

300 units

8 or less

9 to 11

12 or more

Streptomycin (S)

10 µg

11 or less

12 to 14

15 or more

Sulfadiazine (SD) *

300 µg

12 or less

13 to 16

17 or more

Sulfaoxizole (G300)

300 µg

12 or less


17 or more

Sulfisoxazole (G25) *

25 µg

12 or less

13 to 16

17 or more

Tetracycline (TE)

30 µg

14 or less

15 to 18

19 or more

The zone of clearing varies depending upon the antibiotic and its chemical properties. The medical effectiveness of antibiotics in patients has been correlated with a certain zone size and this is used to decide whether an antibiotic will be useful for treating a test pathogen.
*For this agent, the zone is measured at the margin of heavy growth. Sulfonamides may not inhibit the tested culture until after several generations. Therefore, a band of slight, hazy growth just inside the margin of the heavy growth may be ignored.


Bacteria in Photos

Bacteria in Photos