Monday, February 15, 2010


Isolation of Pure Culture

Microorganisms are generally found in nature (air, soil and water) as mixed populations. Even the diseased parts of plants and animals contain a great number of microorganisms, which differ markedly from the microorganisms of other environments. To study the specific role played by a specific microorganism in its environment, one must isolate the same in pure culture. Pure culture involves not only isolation of individual microorganisms from a mixed population, but also the maintenance of such individuals and their progenies in artificial media, where no other microorganisms find way to grow.

However, it is not easy to isolate the individual microorganisms from natural habitats and grow them under imposed laboratory conditions. For this, great deal of laboratory manipulation is required. If inoculums from any natural habitat is taken and allowed to grow in a culture medium, a large number of diverse colonies may develop that, due to crowdedness, may run together and, thereby, may lose individuality. Therefore, it is necessary to make the colonies well-isolated from each other so that each appears distinct, large and shows characteristic growth forms. Such colonies may be picked up easily and grown separately for detailed study. Several methods for obtaining pure cultures are in use. Some common methods are in everyday-use by a majority of microbiologists, while the others are methods used for special purposes.

Common Methods of isolation of pure culture

Pure culture of microorganisms that form discrete colonies on solid media, e.g., yeasts, most bacteria, many other microfungi, and unicellular microalgae, may be most commonly obtained by plating methods such as streak plate method, pour plate method and spread plate method.

But, the microbes that have not yet been successfully cultivated on solid media and are cultivable only in liquid media are generally isolated by serial dilution method.

Streak Plate Method

This method is used most commonly to isolate pure cultures of bacteria. A small amount of mixed culture is placed on the tip of an inoculation loop/needle and is streaked across the surface of the agar medium. The successive streaks "thin out" the inoculums sufficiently and the microorganisms are separated from each other. It is usually advisable to streak out a second plate by the same loop/needle without reinoculation. These plates are incubated to allow the growth of colonies. The key principle of this method is that, by streaking, a dilution gradient is established across the face of the Petri plate as bacterial cells are deposited on the agar surface. Because of this dilution gradient, confluent growth does not take place on that part of the medium where few bacterial cells are deposited

Various methods of streaking

Presumably, each colony is the progeny of a single microbial cell thus representing a clone of pure culture. Such isolated colonies are picked up separately using sterile inoculating loop/ needle and restreaked onto fresh media to ensure purity.

Pour Plate Method

This method involves plating of diluted samples mixed with melted agar medium. The main principle is to dilute the inoculum in successive tubes containing liquefied agar medium so as to permit a thorough distribution of bacterial cells within the medium. Here, the mixed culture of bacteria is diluted directly in tubes containing melted agar medium maintained in the liquid state at a temperature of 42-45°C (agar solidifies below 42°C).
The bacteria and the melted medium are mixed well. The contents of each tube are poured into separate Petri plates, allowed to solidify, and then incubated. When bacterial colonies develop, one finds that isolated colonies develop both within the agar medium (subsurface colonies) and on the medium (surface colonies). These isolated colonies are then picked up by inoculation loop and streaked onto another Petri plate to insure purity.

Pour plate method has certain disadvantages as follows: (i) the picking up of subsurface colonies needs digging them out of the agar medium thus interfering with other colonies, and (ii the microbes being isolated must be able to withstand temporary exposure to the 42-45° temperature of the liquid agar medium; therefore this technique proves unsuitable for the isolation of psychrophilic microorganisms.

However, the pour plate method, in addition to its use in isolating pure cultures, is also used for determining the number of viable bacterial cells present in a culture.

Pour Plate Method

A. Media/dilution

B. Pouring of the plate; and

C. Colony development after incubation. Control consists of the sterilized plating medium alone

The isolated colonies are picked up and transferred onto fresh medium to ensure purity. In contrast to pour plate method, only surface colonies develop in this method and the microorganisms are not required to withstand the temperature of the melted agar medium.

Spread Plate Method

In this method the mixed culture of microorganisms is not diluted in the melted agar medium (unlike the pour plate method); it is rather diluted in a series of tubes containing sterile liquid, usually, water or physiological saline. A drop of so diluted liquid from each tube is placed on the centre of an agar plate and spread evenly over the surface by means of a sterilized bent-glass-­rod.

The medium is now incubated. When the colonies develop on the agar medium plates, it is found that there are some plates in which well-isolated colonies grow. This happens as a result of separation of individual microorganisms by spreading over the drop of diluted liquid on the medium of the plate.

Serial Dilution Method

As stated earlier, this method is commonly used to obtain pure cultures of those microorganisms that have not yet been successfully cultivated on solid media and grow only in liquid media. A microorganism that predominates in a mixed culture can be isolated in pure form by a series of dilutions.

Spread plate method

The inoculum is subjected to serial dilution in a sterile liquid medium, and a large number of tubes of sterile liquid medium are inoculated with aliquots of each successive dilution. The aim of this dilution is to inoculate a series of tubes with a microbial suspension so dilute that there are some tubes showing growth of only one individual microbe. For convenience, suppose we have a culture containing 10 ml of liquid medium, containing 1,000 microorganisms i.e., 100 microorganisms/ml of the liquid medium.

Serial dilution method

If we take out 1 ml of this medium and mix it with 9 ml of fresh sterile liquid medium, we would then have 100 microorganisms in 10 ml or 10 microorganisms/ ml. If we add 1 ml of this suspension to another 9 ml. of fresh sterile liquid medium, each ml would now contain a single microorganism. If this tube shows any microbial growth, there is a very high probability that this growth has resulted from the introduction of a single microorganism in the medium and represents the pure culture of that microorganism.

Special Methods of Isolation on of Pure Culture

1. Single Cell Isolation methods

An individual cell of the required kind is picked out by this method from the mixed culture
and is permitted to grow. The following two methods are in use.

(i) Capillary pipette method

Several small drops of a suitably diluted culture medium are put on a sterile glass-coverslip by a sterile pipette drawn to a capillary. One then examines each drop under the microscope until one finds such a drop, which contains only one microorganism. This drop is removed with a sterile capillary pipette to fresh medium. The individual microorganism present in the drop starts multiplying to yield a pure culture.

(ii) Micromanipulator method

Micromanipulators have been built, which permit one to pick out a single cell from a mixed culture. This instrument is used in conjunction with a microscope to pick a single cell (particularly bacterial cell) from a hanging drop preparation. The micro-manipulator has micrometer adjustments by means of which its micropipette can be moved right and left, forward, and backward, and up and down. A series of hanging drops of a diluted culture are placed on a special sterile coverslip by a micropipette.

Now a hanging drop is searched, which contains only a single microorganism cell. This cell is drawn into the micropipette by gentle suction and then transferred to a large drop of sterile medium on another sterile coverslip. When the number of cells increases in that drop as a result of multiplication, the drop is transferred to a culture tube having suitable medium. This yields a pure culture of the required microorganism.

The advantages of this method are that one can be reasonably sure that the cultures come from a single cell and one can obtain strains with in the species. The disadvantages are that the equipment is expensive, its manipulation is very tedious, and it requires a skilled operator. This is the reason why this method is reserved for use in highly specialized studies.

2. Enrichment Culture Method

Generally, it is used to isolate those microorganisms, which are present in relatively small numbers or that have slow growth rates compared to the other species present in the mixed culture. The enrichment culture strategy provides a specially designed cultural environment by incorporating a specific nutrient in the medium and by modifying the physical conditions of the incubation. The medium of known composition and specific condition of incubation favors the growth of desired microorganisms but, is unsuitable for the growth of other types of microorganisms.

Proof of Purity of Cultures

Assuming that one has isolated a pure culture, how does one establish that it is pure? A pure culture is one in which the cells are all of one kind, i.e., demonstrate "likeness". Hence, the proof of purity of cultures consists of demonstrating the "likeness" of microorganisms in the culture. It is based on certain criteria as follows:
1.The microorganisms look alike microscopically and stain in the same fashion.

2. When plated, all the colonies formed look alike.

3. Streaks, stabs, etc. are uniform.

4. Several isolated colonies perform identically, i.e., ferment the same sugars, and so on.

Capillary method for obtaining a single microbial cell

Maintenance and Preservation of Pure Cultures

Once a microorganism has been isolated and grown in pure culture, it becomes necessary to maintain the viability and purity of the microorganism by keeping the pure cultures free from contamination. Normally in laboratories, the pure cultures are transferred periodically onto or into a fresh medium (subculturing) to allow continuous growth and viability of microorganisms. The transfer is always subject to aseptic conditions to avoid contamination.
Since repeated sub culturing is time consuming, it becomes difficult to maintain a large number of pure cultures successfully for a long time. In addition, there is a risk of genetic changes as well as contamination. Therefore, it is now being replaced by some modern methods that do not need frequent subculturing. These methods include refrigeration, paraffin method, cryopreservation, and lyophilization (freeze drying).

Pure cultures can be successfully stored at 0-4°C either in refrigerators or in cold-rooms. This method is applied for short duration (2-3 weeks for bacteria and 3-4 months for fungi) because the metabolic activities of the microorganisms are greatly slowed down but not stopped. Thus their growth continues slowly, nutrients are utilized and waste products released in medium. This results in, finally, the death of the microbes after sometime.
Paraffin Method

This is a simple and most economical method of maintaining pure cultures of bacteria and fungi. In this method, sterile liquid paraffin in poured over the slant (slope) of culture and stored upright at room temperature. The layer of paraffin ensures anaerobic conditions and prevents dehydration of the medium. This condition helps microorganisms or pure culture to remain in a dormant state and, therefore, the culture is preserved for several years.

Cryopreservation (i.e., freezing in liquid nitrogen at -196°C) helps survival of pure cultures for long storage times. In this method, the microorganisms of culture are rapidly frozen in liquid nitrogen at -196°C in the presence of stabilizing agents such as glycerol that prevent the formation of ice crystals and promote cell survival.
Lyophilization (Freeze-Drying)

In this method, the culture is rapidly frozen at a very low temperature (-70°C) and then dehydrated by vacuum. Under these conditions, the microbial cells are dehydrated and their metabolic activities are stopped; as a result, the microbes go into dormant state and retain viability for years. Lyophilized or freeze-dried pure cultures and then sealed and stored in the dark at 4°C in refrigerators. Freeze-drying method is the most frequently used technique by culture collection centers.


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