Friday, May 28, 2010

Human Genomic Timeline


1859: Darwin publishes On the Origin of Species, proposing continual evolution of species
1865: Mendel's Peas
1869: DNA First Isolated
1879: Mitosis Observed


1900: Rediscovery of Mendel's work
1902: Orderly Inheritance of Disease Observed
1902: Chromosome Theory of Heredity
1909: The Word Gene Coined
1911: Fruit Flies Illuminate the Chromosome Theory


1941: One Gene, One Enzyme
1943: X-ray Diffraction of DNA
1944: DNA is "Transforming Principle"
1944: Jumping Genes


1952: Genes are Made of DNA
1953: DNA Double Helix
1955: 46 Human Chromosomes
1955: DNA Copying Enzyme
1956: Cause of Disease Traced to Alteration
1958: Semiconservative Replication of DNA
1959: Chromosome Abnormalities Identified


1961: mRNA Ferries Information
1961: First Screen for Metabolic Defect in Newborns
1966: Genetic Code Cracked
1968: First Restriction Enzymes Described


1972: First Recombinant DNA
1973: First Animal Gene Cloned
1975-77: DNA Sequencing
1976: First Genetic Engineering Company
1977: Introns Discovered


1981-82: First Transgenic Mice and Fruit Flies
1982: GenBank Database Formed
1983: First Disease Gene Mapped
1983: PCR Invented
1986: First Time Gene Positionally Cloned
1987: First Human Genetic Map
1987: YACs Developed
1989: Microsatelites, New Genetic Markers
1989: Sequence-tagged Sites, Another Marker



1990: Launch of the Human Genome Project
1990: ELSI Founded
1990: Research on BACs
1991: ESTs, Fragments of Genes
1992: Second-generation Genetic Map of Human Genome
1992: Data Release Guidelines Established
1993: NEW HGP Five-year Plan
1994: FLAVR SAVR Tomato
1994: Detailed Human Genetic Map
1994: Microbial Genome Project


1995: Ban on Genetic Discrimination in Workplace
1995: Two Microbial Genomes Sequenced
1995: Physical Map of Human Genome Completed
1996: International Strategy Meeting on Human Genome Sequencing
1996: Mouse Genetic Map Completed
1996: Yeast Genome Sequenced
1996: Archaea Genome Sequenced
1996: Health Insurance Discrimination Banned
1996: 280,000 Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs)
1996: Human Gene Map Created
1996: Human DNA Sequence Begins


1997: Bermuda Meeting Affirms Principle of Data Release
1997: E. coli Genome Sequenced
1997: Recommendations on Genetic Testing
1998: Private Company Announces Sequencing Plan
1998: M. Tuberculosis Bacterium Sequenced
1998: Committee on Genetic Testing
1998: HGP Map Includes 30,000 Human Genes
1998: New HGP Goals for 2003
1998: SNP Initiative Begins
1998: Genome of Roundworm C. elegans Sequenced
1999: Full-scale Human Genome Sequencing
1999: Chromosome 22

2000 - 2001

2000: Free Access to Genomic Information
2000: Chromosome 21
2000: Working Draft
2000: Drosophila and Arabidopsis genomes sequenced
2000: Executive Order Bans Genetic Descrimination in the Federal Workplace
2000: Yeast Interactome Published
2000: Fly Model of Parkinson's Disease Reported
2001: First Draft of the Human Genome Sequence Released
2001: RNAi Shuts Off Mammalian Genes
2001: FDA Approves Genetics-based Drug to Treat Leukemia

2002 -2003

2002: Mouse Genome Sequenced
2002: Researchers Find Genetic Variation Associated with Prostate Cancer
2002: Rice Genome Sequenced
2002: The International HapMap Project is Announced
2002: The Genomes to Life Program is Launched
2002: Researchers Identify Gene Linked to Bipolar Disorder
2003: Human Genome Project Completed
2003: Fiftieth Anniversary of Watson and Crick's Description of the Double Helix
2003: The First National DNA Day Celebrated
2003: ENCODE Program Begins
2003: Premature Aging Gene Identified

2004 - The Future

2004: Rat and Chicken Genomes Sequenced
2004: FDA Approves First Microarray
2004: Refined Analysis of Complete Human Genome Sequence
2004: Surgeon General Stresses Importance of Family History
2005: Chimpanzee Genomes Sequenced
2005: HapMap Project Completed
2005: Trypanosomatid Genomes Sequenced
2005: Dog Genomes Sequenced
2006: The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) Project Started
2006: Second Non-human Primate Genome is Sequenced
2006: Initiatives to Establish the Genetic and Environmental Causes of Common Diseases Launched


National Human Genome Research Institute

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