Monday, July 2, 2012



1.        Percent (%) solution of any compound is prepared by
a.        w/w
b.        w/v
c.        v/v
d.        All
2.        One gram  equivalent weight per liter of solution is known as
a.        1 M solution
b.        1 N solution
c.        Concentrated solution
d.        Saturated solution
3.        95 % pure HCl with sp. Gravity=1,080 g/L has how many molar HCl?
a.        29.6 M
b.        28.11 M
c.        25 M
d.        6 M
4.        1 ppm (parts per million) is equivalent to
a.        1 mg/L
b.        1 g/L
c.        1 mg/100 mL
d.        1 mg/L
5.        Which of the following solutions are equal in concentration?
a.        1 N HCl & 1 M H2SO4
b.        2 N HCl & 1N HNO3
c.        2 N HCl & 1 M H2SO4
d.        All
6.        50 ml 0.2 M of KH2PO4 is mixed with 50 ml of K2HPO4 to make final volume 200 ml, what is the final molarity of the mixture?
a.        0.2 M
b.        0.1 M
c.        0.4 M
d.        None
7.        Phosphate buffer has ………………. pKa values
a.        1
b.        2
c.        3
d.        4
8.        What are the components of Acetate buffer?
a.        CH3COOH & CH3COONa
b.        CH3COOH & H2O
c.        CH3COONa & H2O
d.        CH3COONa & HCOOH
9.        The pKa value of acetate buffer is
a.        1.25
b.        7.60
c.        4.76
d.        9.25
10.     The pH adjustment of phosphate buffer can’t be done by
a.        1 N HCl
b.        1 N H3PO4
c.        1 NaOH
d.        None
11.     Buffer used for DNA preparation is
a.        Carbonate buffer
b.        Phosphate buffer
c.        Citrate buffer
d.        Tris buffer
12.     Which one cell is the strongest cell against mechanical cell disruption?
a.        Gm + cell
b.        Gm – cell
c.        Yeast cell
d.        Plant cell
13.     Extraction of which biomolecule don’t need cell disintegration?
a.        DNA
b.        Ribozyme
c.        Integral protein
d.        Antibiotics
14.     The clearance space of Dounce’s homogenizer ranges from
a.        0.1 mm – 0.6 mm
b.        1 mm – 6 mm
c.        0.001 mm – 0.006 mm
d.        1 nm -  6 nm
15.     The ultrasonic vibrations have frequency of
a.        Below 20 Hz
b.        Above 20 KHz
c.        Equivalent to 10,000 Hz
d.        Above 50 MHz
16.     Lysozyme breaks down the bond in cell wall.
a.        a 1-4 glycosidic bond in between NAG and NAM
b.        a 1-4 glycosidic bond in between NAM and NAG
c.        b 1-4 glycosidic bond in between NAG and NAM
d.        b 1-4 glycosidic bond in between NAM and NAG
17.     Protein precipitation by salting out can be best obtained by
a.        NaCl
b.        NH4Cl
c.        (NH4)2SO4
d.        Na-citrate
18.     The saturated solution of NaCl is used to precipitate
a.        Albumin only
b.        Globulin only
c.        Both
d.        None
19.     The ionic strength of 1 N (NH4)2SO4 is equivalent to
a.        1
b.        2
c.        3
d.        4
20.     The most effective anion in salting out is
a.        SO4¯¯
b.        PO4¯¯¯
c.        Cl¯
d.        NO3¯
21.     At isoelectric point, a protein has its
a.        Maximal solubility
b.        Minimum solubility
c.        Maximum charge
d.        Minimum activity
22.     Denaturation of proteins leads to loss of biological activity by
a.        Formation of amino acid
b.        Loss of primary structure
c.        Loss of both primary and secondary structure
d.        Loss of secondary and tertiary structure
23.     Which one of the following is not a protein determination method?
a.        Biuret method
b.        Barfoed method
c.        Lowry method
d.        Bicinchonic acid method
24.     The purity of an enzyme at various stages of purification is best measured by:
a.        Total protein
b.        Total enzyme activity
c.        Specific activity of the enzyme
d.        Percent recovery of protein
25.     The sensitivity of CBB G250 Dye binding method is
a.        > 1 mg
b.        > 1 mg
c.        > 1 Ng
d.        > 1 g
26.     The quantization of DNA and protein by UV method is done at
a.        265 nm & 300 nm
b.        450 nm & 595 nm
c.        260 nm and 280 nm
d.        190 nm & 260 nm
27.     The absorbance in Lowry method is measured at
a.        595 nm
b.        660 nm
c.        280 nm
d.        450 nm
28.     Proteins absorbs maximally UV radiation due to the presence of
a.        Tryptophan
b.        Tyrosine
c.        Phenyl alanine
d.        All of the above

29.     DNA is usually dissolved in TRIS-EDTA buffer, EDTA is added to ensure that
a.        DNA is not degraded by nucleases
b.        Divalent metal ions are chelated
c.        Both of the above
d.        pH is kept alkaline
30.     The force applied on sedimenting particle at rotational movement is
a.        Centripetal force
b.        Gravitational force
c.        Centrifugal force
d.        Rotational force
31.     Microcentrifuge has a capacity of
a.        Upto 6000 rpm
b.        Upto 50,000 rpm
c.        Upto 12000 rpm
d.        Upto 25,000 rpm
32.     Golgi apparatus d=1.11 g/cm3, motochondria d=1.19 g/cm3 and peroxisomes d=1.23 g/cm3 can be best separated by
a.        Differential centrifugation
b.        Density Gradient centrifugation
c.        Continuous centrifugation
d.        All
33.     Nomograph is a reference graph to represent the relation between
a.        Centrifugal and centripetal force
b.        Relative centrifugal field and rpm
c.        Relative centrifugal field and gravitational field
d.        Rpm and gravity
34.      The first fraction obtained at lowest centrifugation rate in differential centrifugation is
a.        Microsomes
b.        Nucleus
c.        Mitochondria
d.        Ribosomes
35.     One of the following compound is not used as gradient maker in Density Gradient Centrifugation
a.        Sucrose
b.        Glycerol
c.        CsCl
d.        Maltose
36.     The term chromatography was coined by
a.        Tswett                                    
b.        Martin
c.        Flehming
d.        Roska
37.     The partition or distribution coefficient is defined as
a.        Ratio of distances moved by solvent and sample
b.        Ratio of concentration of a compound in two phases
c.        Ratio of mobility of two different compound in a single solvent
d.        All
38.     Which one whatmann filter paper is mostly used for paper chromatography?
a.        Whatmann no. 1 filter paper
b.        Whatmann no. 2 filter paper
c.        Whatmann no. 20 filter paper
d.        Whatmannn no. 540 filter paper
39.     The Whatmann filter is made up of
a.        a cellulose
b.        b cellulose
c.        Pentoses
d.        All
40.     The solvent system for separation of amino acids by paper chromatography is
a.        Acetic acid: butanol: water :: 1:4:5
b.        Butanol: Acetone: water :: 4:1:5
c.        Hexane: diethyl ether: acetic acid: butanol: hexane :: 80:20:1
d.        Ethyl acetate : isopropanol: water :pyridine :: 26:14:7:2
41.     In the solvent system of Butanol, acetic acid and water, which one is the stationary phase in paper chromatography?
a.        Butanol
b.        Paper
c.        Acetic acid
d.        Water

42.     The solvent system for separation of sugars by Thin layer chromatography is
a.        Acetic acid: butanol: water :: 4:1:5
b.        Butanol: Acetic acid: water :: 4:1:5
c.        Hexane: diethyl ether: acetic acid: butanol: hexane :: 80:20:1
d.        Ethyl acetate : isopropanol: water :pyridine :: 26:14:7:2
43.     The solvent system for separation of lipids by paper chromatography is
a.        Acetic acid: butanol: water :: 4:1:5
b.        Butanol: Acetic acid: water :: 4:1:5
c.        Hexane: diethyl ether: acetic acid: butanol: hexane :: 80:20:1
d.        Ethyl acetate : isopropanol: water :pyridine :: 26:14:7:2
44.     For paper chromatography, amino acids and sugars are prepared in ………………….
a.        Ethanol
b.        Butanol
c.        Isopropanol
d.        Acetic acid
45.     Amino acids are insoluble in
a.        Acetic acid
b.        Chloroform
c.        Ethanol
d.        Benzene
46.     Amino acids are visualized by reacting with
a.        Aniline reagent
b.        Ninhydrin
c.        Iodine
d.        Bromocresol
47.     Which one of the following amino acid has different color on visualization?
a.        Alanina
b.        Tyrosine
c.        Proline
d.        Cysteine
48.     Carbohydrates are visualized in TLC by reacting with
a.        Aniline reagent
b.        Ninhydrin
c.        Iodine
d.        All
49.     Lipids are detected by
a.        Aniline reagent
b.        Ninhydrin
c.        Iodine
d.        All
50.     The normal thickness of silica gel for thin layer chromatography is
a.        100 mm
b.        250 mm
c.        400 mm
d.        500 mm
51.     The function of CaSO4 in silica gel preparation is
a.        Dissolution
b.        Adhesive
c.        Solidifying
d.        All
52.     The silica gel is dissolved in
a.        Water
b.        Na-acetate
c.        Both a and b
d.        Isopropanol
53.     Which of following is/are used as thin layer absorbent in TLC
a.        Silica
b.        Cellulose
c.        Alumina
d.        All
54.     Which one of following is not used as chromatogram?
a.        Bromocresol
b.        Ferric chloride
c.        Dinitrophenol hydrazine
d.        None
55.     The activation of TLC plates with silica layer is done for 3o min at
a.        121 °C
b.        105 °C
c.        160 °C
d.        180 °C
56.     The tracking dye used in column chromatography is
a.        Bromophenol blue
b.        Blue detran
c.        Phenol red
d.         All
57.     In size exclusion chromatography,
a.        Smaller size particles are eluted first
b.        Larger particles are eluted first
c.        Both smaller and larger are eluted at same rate
d.        Could be all
58.     Which would be best to separate a protein that binds strongly to its substrate?
a.        Ion exchange chromatography
b.        Gel filtration chromatography
c.        Affinity chromatography
d.        Paper chromatography
59.     Which of following gels are used in Gel filtration?
a.        Sephadex
b.        Sepharose
c.        Biogel
d.        All
60.     Column chromatography is used to
a.        Determine the molecular weight of matter
b.        Concentrate the dilute matter
c.        Separation of different matter
d.        All
61.     Which one of the following ligand is used to bind the protein in affinity chromatography?
a.        Immunoglobulin
b.        rRNA
c.        Kinases
d.        None
62.     Electrophoresis technique is first designed by
a.        Tswett
b.        Tiselius
c.        Knoll
d.        Lambert
63.     Electrophoresis of any substance depends upon
a.        Size of substance
b.        Its charge
c.        Viscosity of medium
d.        All
64.     The polymerization of agarose gel takes place due
a.        Ammonium persulphate
b.        Riboflavin
c.        Temperature
d.        TEMED
65.     Plasma proteins are isolated by
a.        Salting out
b.        Electrophoresis
c.        Flourimetry
d.        Both a and b
66.     Ionizable groups of amino acids (minimum charge) are at least
a.        1
b.        2
c.        3
d.        4
67.     The polymerization of polyacrylamide gel takes place due to
a.        Ammonium persulphate
b.        Riboflavin
c.        Temperature
d.        TEMED
68.     The anion used in polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis is
a.        Sodium dodecyl sulphate
b.        Socium citrate
c.        Sodium nitrate
d.        Sodium carbonate
69.     The tracking dye used in electrophoresis is
a.        Bromophenol blue
b.        Blue detran
c.        Phenol red
d.         Neutral red
70.     The staining reagent in protein electrophoresis is
a.        Silver stain
b.        CBB R25o stain
c.        Amido Black stain
d.        All
71.     DNA is appeared as red under UV light when combine with
a.        Ethidium bromide
b.        Giemsa
c.        Safranin
d.        Crystal violet
72.     The stacking gel in SDS-PAGE is used to
a.        Separate protein molecules
b.        Concentrate protein molecule
c.        Dilute protein sample
d.        Denature the proteins
73.     The hybridization technique used to identify the DNA molecule is known as
a.        Southern Blotting
b.        Western Blotting
c.        Northern Blotting
d.        Immunoelectrophoresis
74.     Agarose gel electrophoresis is used to separate
a.        Protein
b.        DNA
c.        Lipids
d.        RNA
75.     In electrophoresis,
a.        Smaller size particles move faster       
b.        Larger particles move faster
c.        Particles with higher charge move faster
d.        Particles with lower charge move faster
76.     The molecular weight of DNA is measures in term of
a.        Dalton
b.        Base pair
c.        Gram
d.        X g
77.     Separation by Two dimension gel electrophoresis is based on
a.        Charge
b.        Molecular weight
c.        Both
d.        Composition
78.     Protein of pI value 5.8 in running buffer of pH 8.3 will move towards
a.        Anode
b.        Cathode
c.        Any direction
d.        Don’t move
79.     One of the following information can’t be generated from electrophoresis
a.        Purity
b.        Molecular weight
c.        Concentration
d.        pI value
80.     The UV rays have wave length of
a.        400-490 nm
b.        190-390 nm
c.        400-800 nm
d.        10-190 nm
81.     The absorbance at 280 nm of a 1 cm path length of a 1 % solution of a given protein is known as
a.        Extinction coefficient
b.        Shoulder peak
c.        Optical illusion
d.        Optical density
82.     The relation between energy and the wave length of any beam is
a.        Equivalent
b.        Directly proportional
c.        Inversely proportional
d.        No relation
83.     The quantization of any non coloring matter can be done by
a.        Photometer
b.        Colorimeter
c.        Spectrophotometer
d.        Flourimeter
84.     The filter color used to measure optical density of any blue color solution is
a.        Blue
b.        Yellow
c.        Red
d.        Green
85.     The most commonly used cuvette has pathlenth of
a.        10 mm
b.        20 mm
c.        30 mm
d.        40 mm
86.     The cuvette used for analysis of sample at UV range is
a.        Glass cuvette
b.        Quartz
c.        Silica
d.        All
87.     The visible light is generated in spectrophotometer by
a.        W lamp
b.        D2 lamp
c.        Hg lamp
d.        Flaming
88.     According to Beer’s law, absorbance of any solution is proportional to
a.        Transmittance of light
b.        Concentration of solution
c.        Pathlength
d.        Wavelength
89.     DNA molecule in combination with ethidium bromide has l maxima at
a.        280 nm
b.        300 nm
c.        360 nm
d.        590 nm
90.     What is the concentration of a compound with 20 L/mol/cm when gives an absorbance of 1?
a.        0.01 mol/L
b.        2 mol/L
c.        0.05 mol/L
d.        20 mol/L
91.     MRI works under the principle of spectroscopy …
a.        Spectrophotometer
b.        Mass spectroscopy
c.        Nuclear magnetic  resonance
d.        Electron spin resonance
92.     The effective OD value in spectrophotometer ranges
a.        0.09-0.99
b.        1.0-2.5
c.        0.001-0.01
d.        2.5-3.0
93.     The job’s effect in absorbance seems due to
a.        Lower concentration of solution
b.        Higher concentration of solution
c.        Interfering substances
d.        All
94.     The volume of solution to be analyzed should be………………………………. in cuvette
a.        One third
b.        Two third
c.        Half
d.        Full
95.     How much concentration of double stranded DNA gives 1 absorbance at 260 nm?
a.        33 mg/ml
b.        50 mg/ml
c.        40 mg/ml
d.        10 mg/ml

   Note: contact me for answers


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