Sunday, March 3, 2013

Short Report on Evaluation Conclave-2013

Short Report on Evaluation Conclave-2013
Why is it so important?
While talking about the researchers, they mainly focus on lab work. They have no ideas about the dealing with the community and other societies beyond their own. Sometimes it may cause a huge problem in their study. Besides, they may feel difficulty in the course of their study. E.g. They may face problems whenever they have to get samples and other required materials for their work. So the knowledge gained at conclave may be one of the most effective tools to disseminate their research outcomes to the society. Therefore it is equally important to me in order to share my outcomes with all.

Photograph 1: Group discussion on Climate change adaption with Dr. Ram Chandra Khanal, a COE member
What did I learn in the Evaluation Conclave?
As being a scientific background person, I mainly focused on Climate change adaption, Ethical addressing and the outcome mapping at the conclave. Moreover I had to choose the presentation on these topics from other ones. While, in the mean time I got a chance to have concept about the gender issue and nutrition training from Sarah’s workshop. These all ideas are totally new for me. I learnt many tools and techniques throughout the program for spreading my research outcomes. The outcomes should not be restrained to thesis and article however it should be disseminated to the laymen. The research should benefit them.
Photograph 2: Attending the workshop by Dr. Robert Chamber with TIRI fellows

Climate Change Adaptation
The climate change adaptation is one of the rapidly emerging issues worldwide. The climate change directly or indirectly affect on all field including Industrial, agricultural, health and development sectors. Therefore extensive study regarding climate change and its impact should be done. Finding a small indicator of climate change may also be very useful to trigger the problems associated with it. So, we TIRI fellows are working on these issues to find some indicator. Once found, the knowledge should be shared with farmers and the poor who are in close proximity with them.  
Photograph 3: Working on analysis technique 

Photograph 4: Presenting an analysis chart

In conclusion, the evaluation conclave was very much fruitful. This type of conclave should be organized more broadly including all sectors. Moreover this type of conclave is more helpful to share the scientific knowledge. The practitioners, evaluators and researchers should be work together to change the world and to overcome the problems generated by climate change. So we have to start sharing the knowledge gained in conclave to nearby us as well as our working area.

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