Sunday, September 28, 2014

Research Design

Proposal accepted by USAID

Project Summary:
Nepal is an agricultural country and cow farming is the major economic sources for the Nepalese people. In the recent days, cow farming is developed as the industry in different parts of the country and is higher in the hilly regions. The current study is targeted to screen the gastrointestinal parasites of the dairy cows from different hilly regions of the Nepal in order to access their role in the milk production. Three districts namely Dhading, Kavrepalanchok and Sindupalchok will be selected for the study which provides 75% milk supply in the Kathmandu valley. A total 60 stool specimens of the cows will be collected and transported to the laboratory of Kantipur College of Medical Science for parasitological investigations. The stool samples will be concentrated by both sedimentation and floatation techniques to reveal the helminthes and protozoan parasites respectively. The burden of parasite will be estimated by Egg count Per Gram method using McMasters. 50% of infected cows will be dewormed with oxyclozanide plus levamasole bolus consulting with veterinary doctors. Remaining 50% infected cows will not be dewormed. However all cows will be supplied with minerals throughout the study period.   The housing conditions, dietary intake, and health status of all cows will be observed regularly and tried to maintain constant. The temperature, relative humidity, environmental conditions will be recorded using standard questionnaire.  The amount of milk yielded by each cow will be recorded by measuring cylinder for 30 days. The quality of milk from those cows will be obtained using Lactoscaner in the first and the last day of study period. All data will be analyzed using statistical tools with the help of statistician.   The finding of the study will be helpful to prevent the economic losses in the cattle industry by employing prior strategies for the control of these gastrointestinal parasites.

Keywords: Dairy cow, intestinal parasites, Egg count per gram method, Lactoscaner, milk yield

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