Thursday, August 27, 2015

Lost the Founder Member of Microbiology of Nepal

RIP Prof. Dr. Shital Raj Basnyat

Professor Dr. Shital Raj Basnyat, a renowned professor in Microbiology had a great contribution in Microbiology establishment in Nepal. He started Bachelor in Microbiology at Tri-Chandra Multiple Campus in 2037 BS (1980). After ten years he started M.Sc. Microbiology at Central Department of Microbiology, Tribhuvan University. Since the establishment, he continuously worked on this field. Even after his retirement from Tribhuvan University, he joined Kantipur College of Medical Science, Sitapaila, Kathmandu as a head of Department of Microbiology and actively engaged in research and academics for even at his eleventh hour. His dedication and sincerity in this field can't be expressed in words. His work was honored in Bergey Manual, Vol I published in 1984.

We all pray peace for his soul!!!!!!

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