Sunday, March 25, 2018

Social Science Training Course

Menzies School of Health Research, Australia and Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp had organized "Social Science Training Course"  on 26 February - 2 March, 2018 at Nha Trang University, Nha Trang, Viet nam under APMEN (Asia Pacific Malaria Elimination Network) project .  
APMEN is committed to addressing the unique challenges of malaria elimination in the Asia Pacific through:
•advocacy and leadership,
•building the evidence base
•capacity building
knowledge exchange for malaria elimination

Altogether six countries [Bagladesh, India, Nepal, Indonesia, Laos and Vietnam] were invited to participate in the Training Course. The course was specially focused on the qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis on malaria related fields to meet the target of elimination. The six days training provided the sufficient knowledge on how to get the data on the related topics at different countries. Nepal is participating in this APMEN project to collect health based quantitative survey data and targets to get free of malaria by 2025 A.D..

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