Friday, May 27, 2022

Can SMALLPOX be re-emerged again ?





Group:             Group I (double-stranded DNA virus)

Family:             Poxviridae

Subfamily:       Chordopoxvirinae 

Genus:             Orthopoxvirus

Species:           More than ten species including smallpox, monkeypox, cowpox, horsepox,



Virion Structure:

Virion: Complex structure, oval or brick-shaped, 400 nm in length x 230 nm in diameter; external surface shows ridges; contains the core and lateral bodies 

Composition: DNA (3%), protein (90%), lipid (5%) 

Genome: Double-stranded DNA, linear; size 130–375 kbp; has terminal loops; has low G + C content (30–40%) except for Parapoxvirus (63%) 

Proteins: Virions contain more than 100 polypeptides; many enzymes are present in the core, including the transcriptional system

Envelope: Virion assembly involves the formation of multiple membranes 

Replication: Cytoplasmic factories 

Outstanding characteristics: 

Largest and most complex viruses; very resistant to inactivation

Virus-encoded proteins help evade the host immune defense system

Member of same genus with Smallpox which was the first viral disease eradicated from the world and also with cowpox and horsepox




On 14 May 2022, a familial cluster of two cases of monkeypox was reported in the United Kingdom (UK) by the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA). These cases have no relation to a travel-related case from Nigeria that was previously reported on 7 May 2022 in the UK. Since the UKHSA reporting of cases, several other European countries have reported cases of monkeypox.

As of 19 May 2022, 38 cases have been confirmed worldwide. Of these, 26 cases have been confirmed in the following EU/EEA countries: Belgium (2), France (1), Italy (1), Portugal (14), Spain (7), and Sweden (1). In the UK, nine cases have been confirmed. In North America, three cases have been confirmed in Canada (2), and the US (1). The majority of cases have been in young men, many self-identifying as men who have sex with men (MSM), and none with recent travel history to areas where the disease is endemic. No deaths have been reported so far, and only two cases have been admitted to hospital for reasons other than isolation. 


Epidemiological update:

Since the disease was first detected on 7 May 2022 in the United Kingdom, a total of nine cases have been confirmed in the United Kingdom. Eight of the nine cases have no travel history and have no relation to the travel related case confirmed on 7 May.  

Since the UKHSA reporting of cases, in the EU/EEA, a further 26 cases have been confirmed since 18 May in Belgium (2), France (1), Italy (1), Portugal (14), Spain (7), and Sweden (1). Portugal has reported another 20 suspected cases, and Spain has reported another 23 suspected cases which are awaiting laboratory confirmation. 

In total, since 14 May, there have been 37 confirmed, non-travel related cases of monkeypox worldwide, with 26 in EU/EEA countries. The majority of cases are in young men, self-identifying as MSM. There have been no deaths, and two hospitalizations for reasons other than isolation were reported worldwide. Health authorities across counties have stated that further cases are expected. Below is a breakdown of the reporting countries: 

The majority of cases have been in young men, many self-identifying as men who have sex with men (MSM), and none with recent travel history to areas where the disease is endemic. Most cases presented with lesions on the genitalia or peri-genital area, indicating that transmission likely occurs during close physical contact during sexual activities. This is the first time that chains of transmission are reported in Europe without known epidemiological links to West or Central Africa, where this disease is endemic. These are also the first cases worldwide reported among MSM.


Disease background and transmission:

This is the first time that chains of transmission are reported in Europe without known epidemiological links to West or Central Africa. These are also the first cases worldwide reported among MSM. The monkeypox virus is considered to have moderate transmissibility among humans and can be transmitted through droplets and/or contact with infected lesions. Transmission between sexual partners, due to intimate contact during sex with infectious skin lesions seems the likely mode of transmission among MSM.  

Given the unusually high frequency of human-to-human transmission observed in this event, and the probable community transmission without history of traveling to endemic areas, the likelihood of further spread of the virus through close contact, for example during sexual activities, is considered to be high. The likelihood of transmission between individuals without close contact is considered to be low. 

The clinical manifestation of monkeypox is usually mild. The West African clade, which has so far been detected in the cases reported in Europe, has been observed to have a  case fatality rate of about 3.3% in Nigeria. Mortality is higher among children and young adults, and immunocompromised individuals are especially at risk of severe disease. Most people recover within weeks. 


Immediate recommendations:

Public health institutions/authorities and community-based organizations should take steps to raise awareness on the potential spread of monkeypox in the community, especially among men who have sex with other men that engage in casual sex, or who have multiple sexual partners.  Individuals engaging in casual sex or who have multiple sexual partners who are not MSM should also be vigilant. Any persons presenting with symptoms indicative of monkeypox should seek specialist care and should abstain from sexual activities or any other type of activities involving close contact until monkeypox is either excluded or the infection is resolved.

Suspected cases should be isolated and tested and notified promptly. Back-wards and forwards contact tracing should be initiated for positive cases, and exposed mammalian pets should be quarantined. If smallpox vaccines are available in the country, vaccination of high-risk close contacts should be considered after a risk-benefit assessment. For severe cases, treatment with a registered antiviral can be considered, if available in the country. 


ECDC actions : 

ECDC will continue to monitor this event through epidemic intelligence activities and report relevant news on an ad-hoc basis. ECDC published a news item on 19 May, with initial recommendations. An epidemiological update will be posted on 20 May. Multi-lateral meetings between affected countries, WHO IHR and ECDC have taken place to share information and coordinate response. A process in EpiPulse has been created to allow countries to share information with one another, WHO, and ECDC. The production of a Rapid Risk Assessment has been launched with prospective publication on Monday 23 May. 




    i am so happy to share this testimony with the world because generally there are so many doubts about the cure of HERPES simplex virus. This is real take it serious, my name is HENRIETTE AMUNAZO and i am so happy that today i can give this testimony to the world and also help people who has been condemned just as i was. Who will believe that a herb can cure HERPES completely from the body?, i never believed that this will work, i have spend a lot of money getting drugs from the hospital to supress outbreaks, it got to a time that all i was wanted was death to come because i was broke and i already have strong outbreaks from the herpes virus. One day i was going through the internet asking questions online just to know more about the latest development in the medical sector to see if there is still hope then i stumbled on a post about this great man called DR WATER through an online friend who publicly made a testimony on how she was also cured of herpes simplex virus 2 by this herbal doctor who is well known for his strong ancient herbal practice for HERPES, HIV, WARTS and CANCER cure. At first i doubted both the woman and the doctor just as so many that see’s this post would doubt because medically it has been proven impossible but later i decided to give him a try so i emailed him. I did not believe him that much, I just wanted to give him a try. He replied my mail and needed some Information about me, then I sent them to him, he prepared a herbal medicine (CURE) and sent it through Online Courier Service for delivery. He gave my details to the Courier Office. They told me that 3-5 days I will receive the package and after receiving it, i took the medicine as prescribed by him at the end of 13days that the medcine lasted, he told me to go to the hospital for a test, and i went, surprisingly after the test the doctor confirm me Herpes simplex virus free, i thought it was a joke, i went to other hospitals and was also confirmed herpes free, i will say it was like a miracle. I waited to see if i will get any outbreaks again and its been 2 months now, i have not experienced any outbreak. Thank you sir for saving my life even if you cannot see this post, i shall never stop testifying the impact you made in my life by restoring back my life when i was being stigmatized and even avoided by family and friends. I promise I will always testify of your good works. if you have herpes simplex virus, HIV patient, Diabetes, human papilloma virus or genital warts, contact him and I am sure you will get cured, contact him via:
    or Call/whatsapp: +2349050205019
    . HERPES
    . HIV/AIDS
    . CANCER
    . ULCER

  2. OMG!! This is certainly a shocking and a genuine Testimonies. I visited a forum here on the internet on the 20TH OF OCT 2020, And I saw a marvelous testimonies of this powerful and great Doctor called PRIEST AZIBA on the forum. I never believed it, because I never heard nor learnt anything about Natural Enlargement Products. Nobody would have been able to influence me about Natural Enlargement Product not until PRIEST AZIBA did it for me and restored my Penis to a Normal size which i was very ok to have(11inch) he ask if I want to increase it further more i told him am ok with this I have now, so I’m recommending y’all in same situation to contact DR AZIBA via Email: PRIESTAZIBASOLUTIONCENTER@GMAIL.COM and also Contact him on his whatsApp +2348100368288 I am really short of expressions, and i don’t know how much to convey my appreciation to you PRIEST AZIBA you are a God sent to me and my entire friends whom has also use your product.. And now I am a joyful man with my family. here is DR Email and WhatsApp contact below Email: & WhatsApp:+2348100368288

    OMG!! This is certainly a shocking and a genuine Testimonies. I visited a forum here on the internet on the 20TH OF OCT 2020, And I saw a marvelous testimonies of this powerful and great Doctor called PRIEST AZIBA on the forum. I never believed it, because I never heard nor learnt anything about Natural Enlargement Products. Nobody would have been able to influence me about Natural Enlargement Product not until PRIEST AZIBA did it for me and restored my Penis to a Normal size which i was very ok to have(11inch) he ask if I want to increase it further more i told him am ok with this I have now, so I’m recommending y’all in same situation to contact DR AZIBA via Email: PRIESTAZIBASOLUTIONCENTER@GMAIL.COM and also Contact him on his whatsApp +2348100368288 I am really short of expressions, and i don’t know how much to convey my appreciation to you PRIEST AZIBA you are a God sent to me and my entire friends whom has also use your product.. And now I am a joyful man with my family. here is DR Email and WhatsApp contact below Email: & WhatsApp:+2348100368288

  3. I'm here to let everyone know that there is a cure for HERPES1&2. The doctors have succeeded in letting people living with Herpes know that there is no cure for Herpes and they have been enslaved to the antiviral and other supplementary Orthodox medicine just to help suppress the virus and not a cure. I got diagnose of herpes1 January this year 2022 and i did not believe in my doctor that no cure for herpes rather i went into research online and I was introduce to Dr Osato a herbal healer by a blogger who also narrated Her story online on how she was cured of Herpes after using Dr Osato Herbal Medicine. I got the herbal medicine from Dr Osato and made use of it as I was instructed. I went to the clinic for a checkup after two weeks of using the herbal product. My result came out Negative and I was booked another appointment after 30days to confirm my result and the test still showed Negative and I was given the green light that I am fully free from herpes. All thanks to God for using this Great herbalist to heal me. You can contact Dr Osato by email: or WhatsApp +2347051705853. His website is I have promised to keep sharing my testimony so people will know that there is a cure for herpes. 

  4. Hello hello everyone My name is Luana Salvador, I am from Braga in Portugal, I am a member of the Minho staff. I have been suffering from genital warts (HPV) for more than 5 years and suddenly I spent a lot of money to make sure I was healthy, but luckily 2 months ago on February 3, 2017 to be precise, I came into contact with a herbal healer online who has helped many people around the world and heals seemingly incurable diseases, his name is Dr_water. First of all I thought it was a joke until I contacted Dr_water through this email DRWATERHIVCURECENTRE@GMAIL.COM and he told me that he is curing me. He asked me for my data and the money for the treatment. After a week he sent me medicine to Portugal and gave me prescriptions to use the medicine. And really, I started to get my health back as soon as I started using the medicine, I noticed that the warts start to dry up and gradually disappear. I finished the treatment last month and then I went to my hospital and my doctor confirmed that I was cured of HPV, all the medical tests I did were negative, I was completely cured. I am very happy to share this experience because I still cannot contain my enthusiasm.
    This is his Whatsapp number +2349050205019, and this is his email: DRWATERHIVCURECENTRE@GMAIL.COM. It also has medicines to cure HIV, Herpes, Diabetes, Hepatitis B and C, Cancer, Asthma and many more. I think it can cure almost a kind of disease. You can follow me on twitter @luanajulian1981

  5. Hello, i am Marcelo Paes Costa Junior, and i am from Rio, in Brazil. Let me give this testimony to the public about a great herbal doctor who helped me out with my own illness. I had HIV/AIDS for over 5 years and I was almost going to the end of my life due to the way my skin looked like. All I have in my mind is to give up, because life is not interesting to me any longer. One night, my sister ran to me that she found a doctor in the internet who can cure HIV/AIDS, i was not even interested because i never believed. She help me out on everything the doctor asked for, filled the treatment form for me and even used her own money to get the medicine for me. During one week of using the medicine, I started getting more stronger, my blood started to flow normally 4 to 5 days later, I start gaining Weight, before the 3rd week, my body started developing, my skin started coming up. After a month, I went for HIV test and I was tested negative. I’m so happy that I can say I’m not an HIV/AID patient again. if you have HIV/AID or Hepatitis, or Herpes or HPV or coronary artery diseases or any sickness please contact Dr.O.Water. His email is: DRWATERHIVCURECENTRE@GMAIL.COM and His whatsapp number is : +2349050205019. I wish you good luck on this, God bless you all. i have a health group on twitter please follow me @Marcelocostapa2 and join my health group so that we can share information, create awareness and help others. You can also email me on
