At the end of this section the
student is expected to:
Discuss the various types of parasites and hosts.
Explain the relationship between a parasite and the host and
their effects.
Discuss in detail the classification of medically important
Explain the difference between the Cestodes, Nematodes,
Trematodes and protozoa
Man and other living things on earth live in an entangling relationship with each other. They don’t exist in an isolated fashion. They are interdependent; each forms a strand in the web of life. Medical parasitology is the science that deals with organisms living in the human body (the host) and the medical significance of this host-parasite relationship.
Man and other living things on earth live in an entangling relationship with each other. They don’t exist in an isolated fashion. They are interdependent; each forms a strand in the web of life. Medical parasitology is the science that deals with organisms living in the human body (the host) and the medical significance of this host-parasite relationship.
A parasite is a living organism, which
takes its nourishment and other needs from a host; the host is an organism
which supports the parasite. The parasites included in medical parasitology are
protozoa, helminthes, and some arthropods. The hosts vary depending on whether
they harbor the various stages in parasitic development.
Ectoparasite – a parasitic organism that lives on the outer surface of its
host, e.g. lice, ticks, mites etc.
Endoparasites – parasites that live inside the body of their host, e.g. Entamoeba
Obligate Parasite - This parasite is completely dependent on the host during a
segment or all of its life cycle, e.g. Plasmodium spp.
Facultative parasite – an organism that exhibits both
parasitic and non-parasitic modes of living and hence does not absolutely
depend on the parasitic way of life, but is capable of adapting to it if placed
on a host. E.g. Naegleria fowleri
Accidental parasite – when a parasite attacks an
unnatural host and survives. E.g. Hymenolepis diminuta (rat tapeworm).
Erratic parasite -is one that wanders in to an organ in which it is not usually
found. E.g. Entamoeba
histolytica in the liver or lung of humans.
Most of the parasites which live
in/on the body of the host do not cause disease (non-pathogenic parasites).
However, understanding parasites which do not ordinarily produce disease in
healthy (immunocompetent) individuals but do cause illness in individuals with
impaired defense mechanism (opportunistic parasites) is becoming of paramount
importance because of the increasing prevalence of HIV/AIDS in our country.
Definitive host – a host that harbors a parasite in the adult stage or where
the parasite undergoes a sexual method of reproduction.
Intermediate host - harbors the larval stages of the parasite or an asexual
cycle of development takes place. In some cases, larval development is
completed in two different intermediate hosts, referred to as first and second
intermediate hosts.
Paratenic host – a host that serves as a temporary refuge and vehicle for
reaching an obligatory host, usually the definitive host, i.e. it is not
necessary for the completion of the parasites life cycle.
Reservoir host – a host that makes the parasite available for the transmission
to another host and is usually not affected by the infection.
Natural host – a host that is naturally infected with certain species of
Accidental host – a host that is under normal circumstances not infected with
the parasite.
There is a dynamic equilibrium
which exists in the interaction of organisms. Any organism that spends a
portion or all of its life cycle intimately associated with another organism of
a different species is considered as Symbiont (symbiote) and this relationship
is called symbiosis (symbiotic relationships).
The following are the three
common symbiotic relationships between two organisms:
-an association
in which both partners are metabolically dependent upon each other and one
cannot live without the help of the other; however, none of the partners
suffers any harm from the association. One classic example is the relationship
between certain species of flagellated protozoa living in the gut of termites.
The protozoa, which depend entirely on a carbohydrate diet, acquire their
nutrients from termites. In return they are capable of synthesizing and
secreting cellulases; the cellulose digesting enzymes, which are utilized by termites
in their digestion.
- an association
in which the commensal takes the benefit without causing injury to the host.
E.g. Most of the normal floras of the humans’ body can be considered as
- an association
where one of the partners is harmed and the other lives at the expense of the
other. E.g. Worms like Ascaris lumbricoides reside in the
gastrointestinal tract of man, and feed on important items of intestinal food
causing various illnesses.
we are clear about the different types of associations between hosts and
parasites, we can see the effect the parasite brings to the host and the
reactions which develop in the host’s body due to parasitic invasion.
The damage which pathogenic
parasites produce in the tissues of the host may be described in the following
two ways;
(a) Direct
effects of the parasite on the host
Mechanical injury - may be inflicted by a parasite by means
of pressure as it grows larger, e.g. Hydatid cyst causes blockage of ducts such
as blood vessels producing infraction.
Deleterious effect of toxic substances- in Plasmodium
falciparum production of toxic substances may cause rigors and other
Deprivation of nutrients, fluids and metabolites -parasite
may produce disease by competing with the host for nutrients.
(b) Indirect
effects of the parasite on the host:
reaction: Tissue damage may be caused by immunological response of the host,
e.g. nephritic syndrome following Plasmodium infections. Excessive
proliferation of certain tissues due to invasion by some parasites can also
cause tissue damage in man, e.g. fibrosis of liver after deposition of the ova
of Schistosoma.
In medical parasitology, each of
the medically important parasites are discussed under the standard subheadings
of morphology, geographical distribution, means of infection, life cycle,
host/parasite relationship, pathology and clinical manifestations of infection,
laboratory diagnosis, treatment and preventive/control measures of parasites.
In the subsequent section some of these criteria are briefly presented.
Geographical distribution - Even though revolutionary
advances in transportation has made geographical isolation no longer a
protection against many of the parasitic diseases, many of them are still found
in abundance in the tropics. Distribution of parasites depends upon:
a. The presence and food habits of a suitable host:
Host specificity, for example, Ancylostoma duodenale
requires man as a host where Ancylostoma caninum requires a dog.
Food habits, e.g. consumption of raw or undercooked meat or
vegetables predisposes to Taeniasis
b. Easy escape of the parasite from the host- the
different developmental stages of a parasite which are released from the body
along with faeces and urine are widely distributed in many parts of the world
as compared to those parasites which require a vector or direct body fluid
contact for transmission.
c. Environmental conditions favoring survival
outside the body of the host, i.e. temperature, the presence of water, humidity
Once we are clear about the
geographical distribution and conditions favoring survival in relation to
different parasites, effective preventive and control measures can more easily
be devised and implemented.
Life cycle of parasites: The route followed by a parasite
from the time of entry to the host to exit, including the extracorporeal
(outside the host) life. It can either be simple, when only one host is
involved, or complex, involving one or more intermediate hosts. A parasite’s
life cycle consists of two common phases one phase involves the route a
parasite follows inside the body. This information provides an understanding of
the symptomatology and pathology of the parasite. In addition the method of
diagnosis and selection of appropriate medication may also be determined. The
other phase, the route a parasite follows outside of the body, provides crucial
information pertinent to epidemiology, prevention, and control.
Host parasite relationship - infection is the result of entry
and development within the body of any injurious organism regardless of its
size. Once the infecting organism is introduced into the body of the host, it
reacts in different ways and this could result in:
Carrier state - a perfect host parasite relationship where
tissue destruction by a parasite is balanced with the host’s tissue repair. At
this point the parasite and the host live harmoniously, i.e. they are at
Disease state - this is due to an imperfect host parasite
relationship where the parasite dominates the upper hand. It can result either
from lower resistance of the host or a higher pathogenecity of the parasite.
Parasite destruction – occurs when the host takes the upper
Laboratory diagnosis – depending on the nature of the
parasitic infections, the following specimens are selected for laboratory
a) Blood – in those
parasitic infections where the parasite itself in any stage of its development
circulates in the blood stream, examination of blood film forms one of the main
procedures for specific diagnosis. For example, in malaria the parasites are
found inside the red blood cells. In Bancroftian and Malayan filariasis,
microfilariae are found in the blood plasma.
b) Stool – examination of
the stool forms an important part in the diagnosis of intestinal parasitic
infections and also for those helminthic parasites that localize in the biliary
tract and discharge their eggs into the intestine. In protozoan infections, either trophozoites
or cystic forms may be detected; the former during the active phase and the
latter during the chronic phase. Example, Amoebiasis, Giardiasis, etc. In the case of helmithic infections, the
adult worms, their eggs, or larvae are found in the stool.
c) Urine – when the parasite
localizes in the urinary tract, examination of the urine will be of help in
establishing the parasitological diagnosis. For example in urinary
Schistosomiasis, eggs of Schistosoma haematobium are found in the urine.
In cases of chyluria caused by Wuchereria bancrofti, microfilariae are
found in the urine.
d) Sputum – examination of
the sputum is useful in the following:
In cases where the habitat of the parasite is in the
respiratory tract, as in Paragonimiasis, the eggs of Paragonimus westermani
are found.
In amoebic abscess of lung or in the case of amoebic liver
abscess bursting into the lungs, the trophozoites of E. histolytica are
detected in the sputum.
e) Biopsy material - varies
with different parasitic infections. For example spleen punctures in cases of
kala-azar, muscle biopsy in cases of Cysticercosis, Trichinelliasis, and
Chagas’ disease, Skin snip for Onchocerciasis.
f) Urethral or vaginal discharge
– for Trichomonas vaginalis
Indirect evidences – changes
indicative of intestinal parasitic infections are:
Cytological changes in the blood – eosiniphilia
often gives an indication of tissue invasion by helminthes, a reduction in
white blood cell count is an indication of kala-azar, and anemia is a feature
of hookworm infestation and malaria.
Serological tests – are carried out only in
laboratories where special antigens are available.
Treatment – many parasitic infections can
be cured by specific chemotherapy. The greatest advances have been made in the
treatment of protozoal diseases. For the
treatment of intestinal helminthiasis, drugs are given orally for direct action
on the helminthes. To obtain maximum parasiticidal effect, it is desirable that
the drugs administered should not be absorbed and the drugs should also have
minimum toxic effect on the host.
Prevention and control - measures may be taken against
every parasite infectiving humans. Preventive measures designed to break the
transmission cycle are crucial to successful parasitic eradication. Such
measures include: Reduction of the source of infection- the parasite is
attacked within the host, thereby preventing the dissemination of the infecting
agent. Therefore, a prompt diagnosis and treatment of parasitic diseases is an
important component in the prevention of dissemination.
control of drinking water and food.
waste disposal – through establishing safe sewage systems, use of screened
latrines, and treatment of night soil.
use of insecticides and other chemicals used to control the vector
clothing that would prevent vectors from resting in the surface of the body and
inoculate pathogens during their blood meal. . Good personal hygiene.
of unprotected sexual practices.
Parasites of medical importance
come under the kingdom called protista and animalia. Protista includes the
microscopic single-celled eukaryotes known as protozoa. In contrast, helminthes
are macroscopic, multicellular worms possessing well-differentiated tissues and
complex organs belonging to the kingdom animalia. Medical Parasitology is
generally classified into:
Medical Protozoology - Deals with the study of medically important
Medical Helminthology - Deals with the study of helminthes
(worms) that affect man.
Medical Entomology - Deals with the study of arthropods
which cause or transmit disease to man.
Describing animal parasites
follow certain rules of zoological nomenclature and each phylum may be further
subdivided as follows:
Medically important protozoa,
helminthes, and arthropods, which are identified as causes and propagators of
disease have the following general features. These features also differ among
parasites in a specific category.
Protozoan parasites consist of a
single "cell-like unit" which is morphologically and functionally
complete and can perform all functions of life. They are made up of a mass of
protoplasm differentiated into cytoplasm and nucleoplasm. The cytoplasm
consists of an outer layer of hyaline ectoplasm and an inner voluminous
granular endoplasm. The ectoplasm functions in protection, locomotion, and
ingestion of food, excretion, and respiration. In the cytoplasm there are
different vacuoles responsible for storage of food, digestion and excretion of
waste products. The nucleus also functions in reproduction and maintaining
The protozoal parasite possesses
the property of being transformed from an active (trophozoite) to an inactive
stage, losing its power of motility and enclosing itself within a tough wall.
The protoplasmic body thus formed is known as a cyst. At this stage the
parasite loses its power to grow and multiply. The cyst is the resistant stage
of the parasite and is also infective to the human host.
Reproduction – the methods of reproduction or
multiplication among the parasitic protozoa are of the following types:
1. Asexual multiplication:
(a) Simple
binary fission – in this process, after division of all the structures, the
individual parasite divides either longitudinally or transversely into two more
or less equal parts.
(b) Multiple
fission or schizogonies – in these process more than two individuals are
produced, e.g. asexual reproduction in Plasmodia.
2. Sexual
(a) Conjugation
– in this process, a temporary union of two individuals occurs during which
time interchange of nuclear material takes place. Later on, the two individuals
(b) Syngamy – in
this process, sexually differentiated cells, called gametes, unite permanently
and a complete fusion of the nuclear material takes place. The resulting
product is then known as a zygote.
Protozoa are divided into four
types classified based on their organs of locomotion. These classifications
are: amoebas, ciliates, flagellates, and sporozoans.
Table 1: Classification of the pathogenic
1. Rhizopoda (Amoeba)
2. Mastigophora
3. Sporozoa
None, exhibit a slight
Amoeboid movement
4. Ciliates
Plasmodium spp.
Balantidium coli
The heliminthic parasites are
multicellular, bilaterally symmetrical animals having three germ layers. The
helminthes of importance to human beings are divided into three main groups
with the peculiarities of the different categories described in table 2.
Table 2: Differentiating features of
Tape like, segmented
Leaf like, Unsegmented
Elongated, Cylindrical
No separate (monoecious)
Not separate (monoecious)
Except blood flukes which are dioecious
Separate. (diecious)
"Head" End
Suckers: with hooks
Suckers: no hooks
No suckers, and hooks
Alimentary canal
Present but incomplete
Present and complete
Body cavity
It is a causative agent of
Amoebaisis. It is a primitive unicellular amoeba with a relatively simple life
cycle which can be divided into two stages:
• Trophozoite
– actively motile feeding stage.
• Cyst – quiescent,
resistant, infective stage.
Their reproduction is through
binary fission, e.g. splitting of the trophozoite or through the development of
numerous trophozoites within the mature multinucleated cyst. Motility is
accomplished by extension of pseudopodia (“false foot”)
(a) Trophozoites
Viable trophozoites vary in size
from about 10-60 μm in diameter. Motility is rapid, progressive, and
unidirectional, through pseudopods. The nucleus is characterized by evenly
arranged chromatin on the nuclear membrane and the presence of a small,
compact, centrally located karyosome. The cytoplasm is usually described as
finely granular with few ingested bacteria or debris in vacuoles. In the case
of dysentery, however, RBCs may be visible in the cytoplasm, and this feature
is diagnostic for E. histolytica.
(b) Cyst
The size of Cysts ranges from
10-20 μm. The immature cyst has inclusions namely; glycogen mass and
chromatoidal bars. As the cyst matures, the glycogen completely disappears; the
chromotiodials may also be absent in the mature cyst.
Life cycle
Intestinal infections occur
through the ingestion of a mature quadrinucleate infective cyst, contaminated
food or drink and also by hand to mouth contact. It is then passed unaltered
through the stomach, as the cyst wall is resistant to gastric juice.
In terminal ileum (with alkaline
pH), excystation takes place. Trophozoites being actively motile invade the
tissues and ultimately lodge in the submucous layer of the large bowel. Here
they grow and multiply by binary fission.
Trophozoites are responsible for producing lesions in amoebiasis.
Invasion of blood vessels leads to secondary extra intestinal lesions. Gradually the effect of the parasite on the host is toned down together with concomitant increase in host tolerance, making it difficult for the parasite to continue its life cycle in the trophozoite phase. A certain number of trophozoites come from tissues into lumen of bowel and are first transformed into pre-cyst forms. Pre-cysts secret a cyst wall and become a uninucleate cyst. Eventually, mature quadrinucleate cysts form. These are the infective forms. Both mature and immature cysts may be passed in faeces. Immature cysts can mature in external environments and become infective.
Invasion of blood vessels leads to secondary extra intestinal lesions. Gradually the effect of the parasite on the host is toned down together with concomitant increase in host tolerance, making it difficult for the parasite to continue its life cycle in the trophozoite phase. A certain number of trophozoites come from tissues into lumen of bowel and are first transformed into pre-cyst forms. Pre-cysts secret a cyst wall and become a uninucleate cyst. Eventually, mature quadrinucleate cysts form. These are the infective forms. Both mature and immature cysts may be passed in faeces. Immature cysts can mature in external environments and become infective.
Figure-1: Life cycle of Entamoeba
Trophozoites divide and produce
extensive local necrosis in the large intestine. Invasion into the deeper
mucosa with extension into the peritoneal cavity may occur. This can lead to
secondary involvement of other organs, primarily the liver but also the lungs,
brain, and heart. Extraintestinal amebiasis is associated with
trophozoites. Amoebas multiply rapidly
in an anaerobic environment, because the trophozites are killed by ambient
oxygen concentration.
E. histolytica has a worldwide distribution.
Although it is found in cold areas, the incidence is highest in tropical and
subtropical regions that have poor sanitation and contaminated water. About 90%
of infections are asymptomatic, and the remaining produces a spectrum of
clinical syndrome. Patients infected with E. hisolytica pass noninfectious
trophozoites and infectious cysts in their stools. Therefore, the main source
of water and food contamination is the symptomatic carrier who passes cysts.
Symptomatic amoebiasis is usually sporadic. The epidemic form is a result of
direct person-to-person faecal-oral spread under conditions of poor personal
Clinical features
The outcome of infection may
result in a carrier state, intestinal amebiasis, or exteraintestinal amebiasis.
Diarrhoea, flatulence, and cramping are complaints of symptomatic patients.
More severe disease is characterised by the passing of numerous bloody stools
in a day. Systemic signs of infection (fever, leukocytosis, rigors) are present
in patients with extraintestinal amebiasis. The liver is primarily involved,
because trophozoites in the blood are removed from the blood by the portal
veins. The right lobe is most commonly involved, thus pain over the liver with
hepatomegaly and elevation of the diaphragm is observed.
E.histolytica elicits both the humeral and
cellular immune responses, but it is not yet clearly defined whether it
modulates the initial infection or prevents reinfection.
Laboratory diagnosis
Intestinal amoebiasis:
Examination of a fresh dysenteric faecal specimen or rectal
scraping for trophozoite stage. (Motile amoebae containing red cells are
diagnostic of amoebic dysentery).
Figure-2: E. histolytica trophozoite (A) E.
histolytica Cyst (B)
Extraintestinal amoebiasis:
Diagnosed by the use of scanning procedures for liver and
other organs.
Specific serologic tests, together with microscopic
examination of the abscess material, can confirm the diagnosis.
Acute, fulminating amebiasis is
treated with metrondiazole followed by iodoquinol, and asymptomatic carriage
can be eradicated with iodoquinol, diloxanide furoate, or paromomycin. The
cysticidal agents are commonly recommended for asymptomatic carriers who handle
food for public use. Metronidazole, chloroquine, and diloxanide furoate can be
used for the treatment of extra intestinal amoebiasis.
of adequate sanitation measures and education about the routes of transmission.
eating raw vegetables grown by sewerage irrigation and night soil.
Infection with G. lamblia
is initiated by ingestion of cysts. Gastric acid stimulates excystation, with
the release of trophozoites in duodenum and jejunum. The trophozoites can
attach to the intestinal villi by the ventral sucking discs without penetration
of the mucosa lining, but they only feed on the mucous secretions. In
symptomatic patients, however, mucosa-lining irritation may cause increased mucous
secretion and dehydration. Metastatic spread of disease beyond the GIT is very
Giardia lamblia has a worldwide distribution,
particularly common in the tropics and subtropics. It is acquired through the
consumption of inadequately treated contaminated water, ingestion of
contaminated uncooked vegetables or fruits, or person-to-person spread by the
faecal-oral route. The cyst stage is resistant to chlorine in concentrations
used in most water treatment facilities. Infection exists in 50% of symptomatic
carriage, and reserves the infection in endemic form.
Clinical features
Clinical disease: Giardiasis Symptomatic
giardiasis ranges from mild diarrhea to severe malabsorption syndrome. Usually,
the onset of the disease is sudden and consists of foul smelling, watery
diarrhea, abdominal cramps, flatulence, and streatorrhoea. Blood & pus are
rarely present in stool specimens, a feature consistent with the absence of
tissue destruction.
The humoral immune response and
the cellular immune mechanism are involved in giardiasis. Giardia – specific
IgA is particularly important in both defense against and clearance of
Laboratory diagnosis
Examination of diarrhoeal stool-
trophozoite or cyst, or both may be recovered in wet preparation. In
examinations of formed stool (e.g. in asymptomatic carriers) only cysts are
seen. Giardia species may occur in “showers”, i.e. many organisms may be
present in the stool on a given day and few or none may be detected the next
day. Therefore one stool specimen per
day for 3 days is important.
Figure 4: Giardia lamblia tphozoite
(A), cyst (B)
If microscopic examination of the
stool is negative in a patient in whom giardiasis is highly suspected duodenal
aspiration, string test (entero-test), or biopsy of the upper small intestine
can be examined. In addition to conventional microscopy, several immunologic
tests can be implemented for the detection of parasitic antigens.
For asymptomatic carriers and
diseased patients the drug of choice is quinacrine hydrochloride or
There are four species normally
infecting humans, namely, Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium vivax,
Plasmodium ovale, and Plasmodium malariae.
Life cycle
The life cycle of malaria is
passed in two hosts (alternation of hosts) and has sexual and asexual stage
(alternation of generations). Vertebrate host; man (intermediate host) where
the asexual cycle takes place. The parasite multiplies by schizogony and there
is formation of male and female gametocytes (gametogony). Invertebrate host;
mosquito (definitive host) where the sexual cycle takes place. Union of male
and female gametes ends in the formation of sporozoites (sporogony).
The life cycle
passes in four stages:
Three in man: Pre - erythrocytic schizogony
Erythrocytic schizogony
Exo- erythrocytic schizogony
One in mosquito: Sporogony
Introduction into humans: when an infective female
Anopheles mosquito bites man, it inoculates saliva containing sporozoites
(infective stage).
Pre- Erythrocytic schizogony: sporozoites reach the blood
stream and within 30 minutes enter the parenchymal cells of the liver,
initiating a cycle of schizogony. Multiplication occurs in tissue schizonts, to
form thousands of tiny merozoites. Merozoites are then liberated on rupture of
schizonts about 7th – 9th day of the bites and enter into the blood stream.
These merozoites either invade the RBC’s or other parenchymal liver cells. In
case of P. falciparum and possibly
P. malariae, all merozoites invade RBC’s
without re-invading liver cells. However, for P. vivax and P. ovale,
some merozoites invade RBC’s and some re-invade liver cells initiating further Exo-erythrocytic
schizogony, which is responsible for relapses. Some of the merozoites remain
dormant (hypnozoites) becoming active later on.
Erythrocytic schizogony (blood
phase) is completed in 48 hrs in P. vivax, P. ovale, and P.
falciparum, and 72 hrs in P. malariae. The merozoites reinvade fresh
RBC’s repeating the schizogonic cycles
Erythrocytic merozoites do not
reinvade the liver cells. So malaria transmitted by blood transfusion
reproduces only erythrocytic cycle
Some merozoites that invade RBC’s
develop into sexual stages (male and female gametocytes). These undergo no
further development until taken by the mosquito.
Sporogony (extrinsic cycle in
When a female Anopheles mosquito
vector bites an infected person, it sucks blood containing the different stages
of malaria parasite. All stages other than gametocytes are digested in the
The microgametocyte undergoes
ex-flagellation. The nucleus divides by reduction division into 6-8 pieces,
which migrate to the periphery. At the same, time 6-8 thin filaments of
cytoplasm are thrust out, in each passes a piece of chromatin. These filaments,
the microgametes, are actively motile and separate from the gametocyte.
The macrogametocyte by reduction
division becomes a macrogamete. Fertilization occurs by entry of a micro gamete
into the macro gamete forming a zygote.
The sporogonous cycle in the
mosquito takes 8-12 days depending on temperature
Figure 5: Life cycle of Plasmodium species
Plasmodium falciparum
Plasmodium falciparum demonstrates no selectivity in
host erythrocytes, i.e. it invades young and old RBCs cells. The infected red blood cells also do not
enlarge and become distorted.
Multiple sporozoites can infect a single erythrocyte, and
show multiple infections of cells with small ring forms.
The trophozoite is often seen in the host cells at the very
edge or periphery of cell membrane at accole position.
Occasionally, reddish granules known as Maurer’s dots are
Mature (large) trophozoite stages and schizonts are rarely
seen in blood films, because their forms are sequestered in deep capillaries,
liver and spleen.
Peripheral blood smears characteristically contain only young
ring forms and occasionally crescent shaped gametocytes.
P. falciparum occurs almost exclusively in
tropical and subtropical regions. Weather (rainfall, temperature &
humidity) is the most obvious cause of seasonality in malaria transmission. To
date, abnormal weather conditions are also important causes of significant and
widespread epidemics. Moreover, drug-resistant infection of P. falciparum
is the commonest challenge in many parts of the world. In Ethiopia, even though
all the four species of plasmodium infecting man have been recorded, P.falciparum
is the one that most causes the epidemic disease and followed by vivax and
malariae. P.ovale is rare. Infection rates in Ethiopia are 60%, 40%, 1%,
and <1 for="" i="">P. falciparum, P. vivax, P. malariae,
and P. ovale,
Clinical features
Of all the four Plasmodia, P.
falciparum has the shortest incubation period, which ranges from 7 to 10
days. After the early flu-like symptoms, P.falciparum rapidly produces
daily (quotidian) chills and fever as well as severe nausea, vomiting and
diarrhea. The periodicity of the attacks then becomes tertian (36 to 48 hours),
and fulminating disease develops. Involvement of the brain (cerebral malaria)
is most often seen in P.falciparum infection. Capillary plugging from an
adhesion of infected red blood cells with each other and endothelial linings of
capillaries causes hypoxic injury to the brain that can result in coma and
death. Kidney damage is also associated
with P.falciparum malaria, resulting in an illness called “black water”
fever. Intravascular hemolysis with rapid destruction of red blood cells
produces a marked hemoglobinuria and can result in acute renal failure, tubular
necrosis, nephrotic syndrome, and death.
Liver involvement is characterized by abdominal pain, vomiting of bile,
hepatosplenomegally, severe diarrhea, and rapid dehydration.
Figure 6: Ring form of P. falciparum,
with multiple infection of an erythrocyte
Figure 7: mature gametocyte of P. falciparum
Because chloroquine – resistant
stains of P. falciparum are present in many parts of the world,
infection of P. falciparum may be treated with other agents including
mefloquine, quinine, guanidine, pyrimethamine – sulfadoxine, and
doxycycline. If the laboratory reports a
mixed infection involving P. falciparum and P. vivax, the
treatment must eradicate not only P. falciparum from the erythrocytes
but also the liver stages of P. vivax to avoid relapses provided that
the person no longer lives in a malaria endemic area.
Plasmodium vivax
P. vivax is selective in that it invades only young immature
erythrocytes. Infections of P. vivax have the following characteristics:
Infected red blood cells are usually enlarged and contain
numerous pink granules or schuffner’s dots.
The trophozoite is ring-shaped but amoeboid in appearance.
More mature trophozoites and erythrocytic schizonts
containing up to 24 merozoites are present.
The gametocytes are round
P. vivax is the most prevalent of the
human plasmodia with the widest geographic distribution, including the tropics,
subtropics, and temperate regions. However, it is the second most prevalent in
Ethiopia following P. falciparum
Clinical features
After an incubation period
(usually 10 to 17 days), the patient experiences vague flu-like symptoms, such
as headache, muscle pains, photophobia, anorexia, nausea and vomiting. As the
infection progresses, increased numbers of rupturing erythrocytes liberate
merozoites as well as toxic cellular debris and hemoglobin in to circulation.
In combination, these substances produce the typical pattern chills, fever and
malarial rigors. These paroxysms usually reappear periodically (generally every
48 hours) as the cycle of infection, replication, and cell lyses progresses.
The paroxysms may remain relatively mild or may progress to severe attacks,
with hours of sweating, chills, shaking persistently, high temperatures (1030F to
and exhaustion. Since P. vivax infects only the reticulocytes, the
parasitemia is usually limited to around 2 to 5% of the available RBCs.
Chloroquine is the drug of choice
for the suppression and therapeutic treatment of P. vivax, followed by
premaquine for radical cure and elimination of gamatocytes.
Plasmodium malariae
In contrast with P. vivax
and P. ovale, P. malariae can infect only mature erythrocytes with
relatively rigid cell membranes. As a result, the parasite’s growth must
conform to the size and shape of red blood cell.
This requirement produces no red
cell enlargement or distortion, but it results in distinctive shapes of the
parasite seen in the host cell, “band and bar forms” as well as very compact
dark staining forms. The schizont of P. malariae is usually composed of
eight merozoites appearing in a rosette.
P. malariae infection occurs primarily in
the same sub-tropical and temperate regions as infections with the other
plasmodia but is less prevalent.
Clinical features
The incubation period for P. malariae
is the longest of the plasmodia, usually 18 to 40 days, but possibly several
months to years. The early symptoms are flu-like with fever patterns of 72
hours (quartan or malarial) in periodicity.
Treatment is similar to that for P.vivax
and P.ovale.
Plasmodium ovale
P. ovale is similar to P. vivax in
many respects, including its selectivity for young, pliable erythrocytes. As a
consequence the classical characteristics include:
The host cell becomes enlarged and distorted, usually in an
oval form.
Schiffner’s dots appear as pale pink granules.
The infected cell border is commonly fimbriated or
Mature schizonts contain about 10 merozoites.
P. ovale is distributed primarily in
tropical Africa. It is also found in Asia and South America.
Clinical features
The incubation period for P. ovale
is 16-18 days but can be longer. Clinically, ovale malaria resembles vivax
malaria with attacks recurring every 48-50 hours. There are however, fewer
relapses with P. ovale. Less than 2% of RBCs usually become infected.
The treatment regimen, including
the use of primaquine to prevent relapse from latent liver stages is similar to
that used for P. vivax infection.
Laboratory diagnosis
Microscopic examination of thick
and thin films of blood is the method of choice for confirming the clinical
diagnosis of malaria and identifying the specific species responsible for
Malaria parasites in thick and
thin blood films are best stained at pH 7.1 – 7.2 using a Romanowsky stain
(contains azure dyes and eosin).
The thick film is a concentration
method that may be used to detect the presence of organisms. The thin film is
most useful for establishing species identification.
Serologic procedures are
available but they are used primarily for epidemiological surveys or for
screening blood donors.
There is evidence that antibodies
can confer hormonal immunity against malaria infection.
Chemoprophylaxis and prompt diagnosis and treatment.
Control of mosquito breeding
Protection of insect bite by screening, netting and
protective clothing
Use of insect repellents.
These are common roundworms
infecting more than 700 million people worldwide.
Male adult worm measures 15-20 cm
in length. The posterior end is curved ventrally. The female worm measures
20-40 cm in length. Its posterior end is straight.
Infective stage and modes of
The egg containing larva when
ingested with contaminated raw vegetables causes ascariasis.
Life cycle:
Ingested eggs hatch in the
duodenum. The larvae penetrate the intestinal wall and circulate in the blood.
From the heart they migrate to the lungs, ascend to the trachea, descend to the
esophagus and finally reach the small intestine to become adult. The female
pass immature eggs which pass to the soil and mature in 2 weeks.
Figure 10: Life cycle of Ascaris
Pathogenecity and clinical
Adult worms in the intestine
cause abdominal pain and may cause intestinal obstruction especially in
children. Larvae in the lungs may cause inflammation of the lungs (Loeffler’s
syndrome) – pneumonia-like symptoms.
Examination of stool for eggs by direct saline smear method.
The egg is ovoidal, 75x60 microns, covered by albuminous mamillatins.
Demonstration of adult worms
Albendazole and Piperazine
The adult worms of T. solium
reside or inhabit the upper jejunum. Infection has worldwide distribution.
Adult worm measures about 3
meters in length. The globular scolex has rostellum with 2 rows of hooklets. There
are <1000 30="" about="" br="" eggs.="" gravid="" liberates="" proglottid="" proglottids.="">
The pork tapeworm, Taenia solium,
is the most harmful tapeworm in humans. Taenia solium infection
is acquired either from human feces that contains Taenia solium eggs
or from uncooked pork which contains larval cysts. If larvae are ingested, they
mature into adults in the small intestine. This infection type is called taeniasis and
is often asymptomatic. If eggs are ingested, the resulting disease is cysticercosis.
It gets its name from larval Taenia solium called cysticercus.
Both diseases are common in Africa, Asia, South America and Southern Europe.
Taeniasis is rare in Muslim countries since people there do not consume pork.
Taenia solium, as its Latin name suggests,
uses pigs as intermediate hosts for its larval stage. A pig gets infected with
cysticercosis. If a human eats pork without cooking it, the dormant larva
excysts in the bowel. The larva matures into an adult tapeworm which absorbs
nutrients from the passing food.
The flat body of an adult Taenia
solium consists mostly of segments, proglottids. Pork tapeworm is
attached to the intestinal wall with its head, the scolex. Its head has four
suckers and two rows of hooks. It has a neck that produces the segments which
grow bigger as they move towards the rectum. They absorb nutrients from the
surrounding food. Each segment produces eggs that remain inside it until the
segment is passed out in the feces. The segment is less than 1 cm long and 2 cm
wide and contains up to 50000 eggs. Taenia solium grows up to
7 meters. A full grown pork tapeworm consists of 1000 segments and sheds six
gravid proglottids per day. The segments are detached from the tail. Out in the
nature they can be accidentally eaten by pigs or humans.
Taeniasis diagnosis is made by an
endoscopic examination or by finding segments (or eggs) from the feces.
Taeniasis is usually treated with niclosamide or endoscopic
Microscopic tapeworm eggs are ingested by a
human or pig due to poor hygiene. Tiny larvae called oncospheres hatch in the
small intestine. They penetrate the intestinal wall and enter the bloodstream.
They travel to muscles or other tissue such as the liver or the brain. Lastly,
oncospheres transform into cysticerci and encyst. The smallest cysticerci are
0.5–1.5 cm long whereas the biggest forms are 20 cm long. About 60 % of
patients with cysticercosis have cysticerci in the central nervous system which
is called neurocysticercosis. Cysticerci molt into adults only in
the intestine. Immune system does not recognize the cysts. They can live in the
tissue for many years without causing any symptoms. Eventually they get old and
their shell structures start to leak causing an inflammatory response. Common
symptoms include: muscle spasms, dizziness, headaches and seizures.
Major cysticerci infections can lead to a sudden death.
As the cysticerci die, the infected areas,
lesions, shrink. The swelling goes down and symptoms start to go away. The area
of the organ where they sited will be covered with fibrosis. Vital functions of
the organ may be lost. If oncospheres travel to the eyes the developed
cysticerci can float in the eye and cause disturbed or blurry vision. Infection
in the eyes can also cause swelling or detachment of the retina.
The definitive host, human, can get infected
with the same tapeworm over and over again. This autoinfection can
occur in two ways. In some rare cases the mature segments dissolve too early
releasing the eggs. It can happen, if the large intestine is not working
properly. This retro-peristalsis reverses the direction of the stool and the
gravid proglottids are carried back to the stomach. The larvae hatch and cause
cysticercosis. Another way to autoinfect oneself with cysticerci is to scratch
the anus and then put fingers into the mouth. This too requires that some
microscopic eggs have been released from the segments before exiting the body.
Normally the segments stay intact in the colon.
Cysticercosis diagnosis is possible from
Magnetic Resonance Imaging scans or X-rays. The cysts resemble tumours so the
diagnosis is not foolproof. Cysticercosis is generally treated with
albendazole in combination with anti-inflammatory drugs. Drug treatment is not
necessary, if the cysticerci are already dead. Surgical removal is possible, if
the location of the cyst is known. All cases of cysticercosis are not treated.
The decision of whether or not to treat neurocysticercosis is based upon
symptoms and the number of cysticerci found in the brain. If only one is found,
treatment is often not given.
Life cycle
Embryonated eggs passed with
stool are ingested by pig and the embryo is released. It penetrates the
intestinal wall and is carried by vascular channels to all parts of the body.
After a period of 2-3 months of development the encysted larval stage called cysticerci
or bladder worm occurs in the striated muscles of the tongue, neck, trunk
brain, eye, and the nervous system. The cysticercus survives for 5 years.
Humans become infected by eating pork containing larvae, cysticercus
cellulosae. When improperly cooked cysticercus infected meat is eaten by
man, the scolex remains undigested and attaches itself to the intestinal wall
and chain of proglottids begin to grow to adult worm.
Figure 12: Life cycle of Taenia solium
2 gm PO stat
of infected persons.
cooking of pork and proper processing
disposal of human excreta (good hygiene/sanitation).
1. Dawit Assafa, Ephrem Kibru, S. Nagesh,, Solomon, Gebreselassie, Fetene
Deribe, Jemal Ali (2006). Medical Parasitology, Ethiopia Public Health Training
Initiative and USAID.