Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Friday, April 10, 2015
The Phosphorous Cycle
Phosphorus exists almost exclusively as phosphate i.e.
orthophosphate esters. In the lithosphere, it is most common as apatite [3Ca3F(PO4)3
x Ca(FeCl)2] and as flurapatite [Ca5F(PO4)3].
In animals, it is found as hydroxyapatite [Ca5OH(PO4)3
in bones. It is not found in atmosphere. No gaseous form of phosphours exists.
In soils, it may be present up to order of magnitude of 1gm per Kg of the soil.
Less than 5% is available to the organisms in soluble form. In aqueous
environment, it is extremely small as compared to soil i.e. 0.01 to 0.07 mg per
Phosphorus is one of the most important constituents of
several important compounds always present in organism. It occurs both in
organic (nucleic acids, nucleopoteins, phospholipids, etc.) and inorganic
(phosphate) forms in the living organisms. Phosphate also forms an essential
portion of the ATP molecules. The hydrolysis of phosphate from ATP to ADP forms
the basis of most energy transfer reactions within biological system. Animals
possessing bones have large amount of phosphorus in its inorganic form. However,
phosphorus is added to soil through chemical fertilizers, excrete and
organism-resides. Though there is plenty of phosphorus present in the soil in
unavailable inorganic forms, most of the plants obtain it only as
orthrophosphate ions (soluble inorganic forms). However, mycorrhizae, when
present, help the plants in obtaining phosphorus.
However, phosphorous is not an abundant component of the
biosphere and often limits microbial growth. Its availability is restricted by
its tendency to precipitate in the presence f bivalent metal ions (Ca2+,
Mg2+) and ferric (Fe3+) at neutral to alkaline pH. Large
and slowly cycled reversoirs of phosphate occur in marine and other aquatic
sediments. Small and actively cycled reservoirs of phosphate are dissolved phosphate
in soils and waters and phosphate in the living and dead organic matter.
The cycle of phosphorus is schematically represented in
Figure below and can be well studied two heads:
I. Mineralization: Conversion of
Organic Phosphorus into Insoluble Inorganic Phosphates
Many soil microorganisms produce enzymes that attack many
of the organic phosphorus compounds in the soil and release inorganic
phosphate. This process is comparable to the mineralization of organic nitrogen
compounds. The enzymes involved in these reactions are collectively called
‘phosphatase or phytase’ which have a broad range of substrate specificity.
Inositol hexaphosphate + 6H2O ® Inositol + 6PO43-
Microorganisms compete with plants for available PO43-
in the soil. They are involved in both mobilization and immobilization of
phosphate in the soil.
The productivity in many habitats is PO43-
limited. The availability of phosphate in the soil and water depends on
seasonal fluctuations. The flooding of soils enhances release of phosphate by
this mechanism. Insoluble forms of salts of Iron, magnesium and aluminum is
changed into soluble form in an anaerobic condition.
In Fe(PO4)3 Fe3+ ® Fe+2
(more soluble form) reduce
(Anaerobic condition)
The availability of phosphate greatly influenced biomass production
especially in marine habitat e.g. algal and cyanobacterial blooms. It causes
eutrophication in fresh water habitats such as ponds and lakes.
II. Solubilization: Conversion of Insoluble Inorganic Phosphates into Soluble Phosphates
The availability of phosphorus depends on the degree of
Solubilization by various organic and inorganic acids produced by
microorganisms in soil. These are the solubilized form of insoluble inorganic phosphates
which are taken in by the plants. Fungi, e.g., Aspergillus, Pencillium,
Fusarium are the most important of the soil microorganisms which produce
substantial amounts of these acids; others are the bacteria, namely, Thiobacillus
(T. thiooxidans, T. ferroxidans), Nitrosomonas, Bacillus (B. megaterium),
Pseudomonas, Micrococcus, Flavobacterium, etc.
The overall conversion of insoluble inorganic phosphates
into soluble inorganic phosphates by the action of acids can be exemplified via
reactions as under:
Figure 1: Chemical reaction for phosphate solubilization
Figure 2: Schematic representation of Phosphorous cycle
The action of
acids to convert insoluble phosphates into soluble ones is generally called
‘solubilization’ and particularly takes place in close proximity of the root
surfaces where sugar from root-exudates are converted of microorganisms into
organic acids.
Bio-phosphate: It is a
biofertilizer which supplies S and P sources to plants. The elemental sulphur
is mixed with thermophilic bacteria, Thiobacillus thioxidans and sprayed in the
field rich in insoluble phosphate rocks. In presence of moisture, the bacteria
oxidize sulphur and produce sulphuric acid. The acid then mineralizes the
phosphate rocks to release soluble phosphate.
Limiting source of plant growth
Bacteria in Photos