(The liver flukes)
Phylum: Platyhelminths
Class: Trematoda
Family: Opisthorchidae
Genus: Opisthorchis/Clonorchis/Metorchis
Medically Important strains:
Opisthorchis viverrini, O.
felineus, Clonorchis sinensis, and Metorchis conjuctus
The parasite is leaf like
elongate and lanceolate shape. Two testes, the testes and ovaries are on the
posterior parts of the body. Uterus in the medium part and vitellin follicles
form two bands along the lateral margins of the body. The excretory vesicle is
Y shaped and eggs are small and contain miracidia.
It causes the diseases of gall
bladder known as cholecystitis, cholangitis, cholelithiasis and
cholengiocarcinoma, CCA. The diseases called Opisthorchiasis is kind of
zoonotic food borne infection normally transmitted to human by consuming raw
and uncooked snails and fishes.
Life cycle:
The opisthorchis spp needs two
intermediate hosts to complete their life cycle. They must pass through the
snails, Bithynia snails and fresh water fish mainly Cyprinid fishes, before pass into the definitive hosts which
are the fish-eating animals such as cats, dogs and even human. The definitive
hosts pass the embryonated eggs to the feces. Eggs are ingested by the snails
and the eggs are hatched into their cercariae. It has diameter of 154 x 75
micrometer covered with spines and possess elongated tail. These are free
swimming larva form of Opisthorchis spp. These free swimming cercariae encyst
into the skin of fish and changed into metacercaria, an infective form. It is
double walled cyst surrounded by a thick layer of fish muscle, oval, size
ranges from 201 x 167 micrometers. Piscivores definitive hosts including human
when consume such raw and undercooked fishes, the metacercaria. The larval form
then go on metamorphosis to form juvenile fluke in the upper part of intestine,
duodenum. They migrate from intestine to gall bladder through the biliary duct.
They develop into hermaphroditic adults and live for years in intra and extra
hepatic bile ducts and gall bladder. They continuously lay eggs and pass
through the feces. The life cycle repeats again.

Figure 1: Life cycle of Opisthorchis
Mode of Transmission:
Faecal oral route
By eating raw or improperly
cooked fish dishes and poor sanitation and hygiene.
Reservoir of hosts
Good habitat for the intermediate hosts and
presence of reservoir hosts. (Rice paddy field, water logged fields, fresh
water ponds and stream where Pisces and snails coexist.
Definitive hosts like cats and dogs (Human are
also definitive hosts so carriers and infected human are also three
The pathogenesis of Opisthorchis
viverrini depends on the survival of worm in the human biliary duct, a
hostile environment, mechanical damage to the liver and gall bladder, host immune
response to the infection and metabolic products of worms inducing cell
transformation and proliferation leading to cholangiocarcinoma, CAA to the
host. The main histopathological features of Opisthorchiasis in both animals
and human are epithelial desquamation, epithelial adenomatous, hyperplasia,
goblet cell metaplasia, inflammation, periductal fibrosis and granuloma
1. Survival
in the hostile environment of human biliary duct
The first adaptation the worm
needs to cause infection to human is to adjust into the hostile environment of
human biliary duct. The newly excysted juvenile worm of Opisthorchis
viverrini use glycogen granules and lipid droplet stored in their excretory
granules for energy source for migration. Once they reach to the biliary duct
the glycogen granules get scared and so they start to use the large amounts of
lipoprotein metabolites present there including HDL, LDL, IDL, and VLDL. These
lipoproteins are composed of cholesterol, phospholipids, triglycerides as well
as few amphipathic proteins. They soon develop into mature adults. The environment in the biliary duct is hostile
for parasite as there is low oxygen tension, strong oxidizing agents like
singlet oxygen is produced there and the liver cells also have to frequently
expose to the toxic metabolic products and carcinogens as well, However, O.
viverrini has developed few mechanisms to adopt there. They produce SODs
and glutathione S. transferases to neutralize the toxic oxygen derivatives like
nascent oxygen, xenobiotics etc.
2. Mechanical
The adult worm easily survives
and damage the biliary tissues. The oral and ventral suckers can hook to the
biliary epithelium and cause epithelium desquamation in the early infections. As
the flukes grow up the lesions are more pronounce and lead to ulcer. Their eggs
are entrapped in the periductal tissue through the ulcers causing granulomatous
inflammation. These can cause the partial obstruction, bile stasis, increase
biliary pressure and enhance more entrapment forming granuloma. Such granuloma
are the major cause of obstructive jaundice and cholangiocarcinoma, CCA).
3. Metabolic
products of worms induce the cell transformation
As previously described the
flukes use many kinds of lipoproteins and proteins in the biliary duct and
release various toxic biproducts from the tegument, known as
excretory-secretory products (ES products). These biproducts not only contain
the proteases for the digestion of tissues causing epithelial adenomatous, but
also contain toxics substances which act as mitogen. This induces hyperplasia,
metaplasia, dysplasia of biliary cells and leads to development of
cholangiocarcinoma CCA, final complication of Opisthorchiasis. They also are
responsible to cell cytotoxicity, cell injury and apoptosis. One of the
biomarkers of this infections, 5-bromodeoxyuridine can be easily detected in
the biliary secretions.

CCA development
Chronic infection of O. viverrini
is a major risk factor for CCA development. Multifactorial aetiology with
genetic alterations in tumor suppressor genes as well as proto-oncogenes are
involved in CCA development. Few predisposing factors are;
Exogenous carsinogens-nitrosamines from
fermented fishes
Fibrosis linked to metastasis associated protein
1 and interleukin 6
Cell damage and death due to Ov feeding
Transforming growth factor betta -mediated cell
proliferation to ES molecules
Damage to biliary epithelium
(interface between bile duct and hepatocytes) lead to chronic exposure of
cholagiocytes to conjugated bile acids that can induce the expression of
inflammatory mediators (IL-6 and IL-8) leading to increased oxidative stress
and DNA damage and subsequent fibrosis and tumorigenesis. The secretion of
mitogenic granulin like growth factor (Ov GRN-1) that directly modulate host
cell proliferation.
Signs and Symptoms:
Most of infections are
asymptomatic while those of symptomatic patients show some common symptoms like
diarrhea, abdominal pain; epigastric and right upper
quadrant pain with hot sensation. Fever,
anorexia, nausea, loss of weight, poor appetite and also common.
The patients may also have edema,
icterus and eosinophilia. The ascites is also present. Obstructive jaundice and
hepatomegaly occur in chronic infections. Moreover, the chronicity is
characterized by cholecystitis, cholangitis, cholelithiasis and cholangiocarcinoma.
Immune response
Innate immunity: macrophages,
eosinophils, monocytes, mast cells and lymphocytes
Humoral Immunity: IgM, IgG, IgA,
and IgE
Cell mediated immunity:
Cytokines, interleukin (IL-4), growth factors (TGF-beta) and IL-10. TGF-beta
and IL-10 have a role in blocking effective immunity.
Laboratory Diagnosis:
Antigen preparations: crude
extracts of adult worms, metacercaria, eggs and intermediate hosts, ES products
of adult worms, partially purified fractions of worms and eggs
Monoclonal Ab-purified Ov oral
antigen (highly effective 100% sensitive and specific)
Copro antigens for the
epidemiological study
Stool in TCA/mAb-ELISA
97.9% sensitive, 54.2% specific
Tegument serum/ELISA
100% sensitive and 94.9% specific
Molecular Diagnosis:
For O. viverrini and C.
Satellite DNA, ITS1, ITS2 and mitochondrial DNA
(apply for conventional and real time PCR)
The retrotransposon of O. viverrini (new
alternative marker)
PCR sensitivity can be improved
by using cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) during DNA preparation to remove
PCR inhibitor.
Loop mediated isothermal
amplification (LAMP)
For the species-specific PCR,
genetic markers such as mitochondrial genes, ribosomal ITS1 and ITS2 can be
used in different molecular tools such as PCR-RFLP, multiplex PCR, real time
PCR, multiplex ligation-depended probe amplification MLPA and pyrosequencing.
Praziquantel 25 mg/Kg/Day 3 times
a day
40 mg/kg once
Problems for the control of
Opisthorchiasis infections
Some of the traditional foods which are very
popular in different countries. The traditional foods are made from fishes and
normally not cooked or improperly cooked.
Metacercariae of O. viverrini were eliminated in
a high salt concentration recipe of 3 day fermented crosswise cut streaks of
cyprinid fish and also in fish grilled at 80C for 12 min.
Acid fermentation as in stick rice fish
fermentation can destroy nearly all viable metacercariae after 69 h.
One of the potential hazards in cold smoked
fish: Freezing raw fish prior to smoking remains the most effective way to
ensure that viable parasites are not present in clod smoked products consumed
by the public.
Phylogenetic analysis:
What significance do the
helminthes species complexes have for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment
of human infections?
Knowledge that some species
within the O. viverrini complex are more pathogenic than others would allow
screening to be concentrated in the areas where these species are present.
From the medical point of view, there
are numerous potential problems
· Are there differences in virulence within the
species complex?
· Does molecular diagnosis work for all species?
· Is the susceptibility to drugs the same?
· Has resistance to drugs developed in some species but not others?
· Which hosts must be considered in control programs?
· What should be explained in education programs?
· What levels of morbidity and mortality are associated with each cryptic species?
· Does molecular diagnosis work for all species?
· Is the susceptibility to drugs the same?
· Has resistance to drugs developed in some species but not others?
· Which hosts must be considered in control programs?
· What should be explained in education programs?
· What levels of morbidity and mortality are associated with each cryptic species?
In order to answer the above
questions, we must know about the genetic diversity of O. viverrini and we need
to study about the phylogenetic analysis of each species.
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